Hey folks! Another week has gone by – and actually a whole other month. Where does the time go?
Life in Sunny So. Cal is just going along pretty well. My youngest did another poetry recital this past week – again not letting me record her (she really needs to stop that). I think she was less confident about this one. It was about Abraham Lincoln and it was 4 stanza’s 4 lines to each stanza – wow. It had words she didn’t even know and were hard for her to remember – poverty, slavery, Civil War (she kept saying silva war ;)) but she did well. She said she had to be prompted a little on the last stanza when she was doing it in class – but of the 6 kids who “recited” this week she was the only one who didn’t read it so I was pretty damned proud of her.
My oldest is doing well. We’ve temporarily stopped the tutoring which is sad (husband’s job is crazy). She’s improved tremendously though and it was well worth the money spent. Hopefully we can get her back in when life settles down a bit. Her big news this week (she wanted to make sure I wrote this) was that she got her bangs cut. lol Isn’t that cute? She’s crazy. We started growing them out when she was 4 so she doesn’t really remember ever having them. She loves them! I think she looks younger with the bangs – she insists she looks older – yay, just what I need. lol
I also went to the Bookstore today for the first time in almost a month (holy cow!) and bought 4 more books. Dear God they’re starting to take over my office! lol My hubby just rolled his eyes. Hey – if you don’t want me to buy books don’t buy me a Borders gift card! 🙂
So on to what I read this week:
First up was The Commander’s Desire by Jennette Green. Jennette randomly befriended me on myspace a
nd I went to check out her page. This is her first published book (from what I can tell) and on a whim I decided to purchase it. I’m so glad I did. This was a great book that takes place in the Middle Ages. A king who is trying to take over another kingdom sends his sister to marry their king. Only the king doesn’t want a wife and gives her to his Commander – a huge, scarred man with a bent/broken nose. The problem is the sister is there under false pretenses and is supposed to murder the Commander – which she is willing to do because she hates him for killing her older brother. What happens between the two kingdoms as well as the romance that blooms between the sister and the Commander was well done. I was completely captivated and didn’t want to put my ereader down for a moment. I did, but quickly picked it up at the next possible moment. I’m looking forward to any other books Jennette comes out with.

Next I read books 2 and 3 in the Tall, Dark and Dangerous series by Suzanne Brockmann, Forever Blue and Frisco’s Kid. I have to say I’m really liking the series. The books are category short so there’s not a ton of story there but what is there is great. I particularly liked Forever Blue. I thought the banter and coming together of Blue and Lucy was very sweet.
In Frisco’s Kid Frisco is just a pain in the ass and feeling sorry for himself but the way that Mia and Natasha bring him around was pretty cool. This was one book where I didn’t mind seeing the hero cry. Oh and I love the cover there to the right. Humina, humina love those arms! 🙂

Seducing a Scottish Bride by Sue-Ellen Wolfender was my first read by this author. I read this one for The Book Binge so watch for my review over there. I’ll try to let you know when it posts.

Life’s Breath by Nancy Wald was a novella I also read for TBB so again, keep your eye out for the review.

I started Crate and Peril by J.D. Warren but just couldn’t get into the story after 5 chapters. It may have to do with the fact that I felt like I was missing stuff not having read book 1 in this series (which I didn’t know existed until I was completely annoyed and looked it up). Has anyone read this series and if so would you recommend reading book 1?

Sweet Release by Pamela Clare was my next read. Nikki had given me this trilogy a while back and I just hadn’t picked it up. Silly Tracy. This was a great book. An English shipping magnate who is kidnapped and shipped off to the Colonies under the guise of him being a “defiler and ravisher of women”. A woman who is running her father’s plantation buys the convict’s indentured servitude evne though he’s almost dead by the time he gets to America. Will the man who is supposedly a rapist be able to clear his name and can he resist the plantation owners daughter? I loved the characters and the story equally. I read this one pretty quickly as I was so engrossed in the story. I’ll definitely be picking up book two sooner rather than later.

Last up was Too Good To Be True by Kristan Higgins. I hadn’t decided until this moment to do a review on this book but I feel one coming on. lol Yes, I’m thinking I’ll post it Tuesday.
Have you read any of these books and if so what did you think?
Happy reading!