Greetings and Happy Monday!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. It was nice and sunny here but also a little cooler which was really nice since it’s been damned hot lately. It feels like Fall – finally! 🙂
It was a fun weekend with the girls – we went Halloween costume shopping and got that out of the way. They changed there mind about 1,000 times before they finally decided. Whatever happened to a sheet with the eye holes? lol Just kidding. 🙂 We also went to the library, the rummage sale that our church was having, to Borders, to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (cute, but they liked the book better), and to the park among other things. It was a busy weekend, but good.
This week I had a totally incredible Mommy moment with my youngest daughter. The kids had wanted breakfast for dinner – which they love (I think it’s cuz no vegetables are involved) – and so I made them waffles and eggs and bacon. A while later my youngest came in to the office and sat on my lap to give me a hug. This is what was said:
Me: You smell like syrup.
Her: You smell like a Momma.
Me: laughing Really? What does a Momma smell like?
Her: thinking for a moment Kind, beautiful and nice.
Omg I about broke down in tears! Isn’t that the sweetest thing? She’s just a little lovebug!
So on to what I read. I read a lot this past week. I look at my list sometimes and try to figure out when I had the time to read all of it and just can’t do it! lol This is one of those weeks.

Next up was The Protector by N.L. Gassert. This is an m/m story about a straight-laced security expert and a guy in his 20’s who needs protecting. It was a good story with a few issues but I liked it. 4 out of 5
My Tracy’s TBR Challenge read for the week was Mine Till Midnight by Lisa Kleypas. It fell just slightly short of the 3 month rule, but hell, it’s my challenge, I’ll cheat if I want, right? lol Anyway…good book! I really loved seeing Cam Rohan again and him falling for Amelia was great. I wasn’t thrilled with the paranormal element even though it wasn’t a massive part of the story. I think when I read a Kleypas or Quinn historical I don’t want anything paranormal going on just a good, straight historical. I’m looking forward to reading the next book though and bought the latest in this series yesterday while at Borders. 4.25 out of 5
I read Midnight Treat by Becca Simone after that. This was a novella about a man meets a woman at a Halloween party and she tells him to meet her in her apartment – go up the fire escape and act like he’s breaking in. The woman wants him to role play and she says she loves to be scared while having sex. Well Josh breaks in to the wrong apartment and when he discovers the mistake (after the fact) he’s mortified and expects to be arrested. When that doesn’t happen he contacts the woman he had sex with to make sure that she’s ok – but he doesn’t reveal who he is. She’s more than ok with Zorro’s break in – she wants more! While Josh and Cassie start a sexual relationship and Josh is being gentle and kind she longs for the raunchier sex Zorro gave her when he broke into her apartment. I think I have a thing for Halloween stories in general. I’m always attracted to them for some reason and really enjoy reading them – even with they’re a little “out there”. This was cute and a fun sexual romp. 4 out of 5
I read a very short free read from Wild Rose Press a while back called Mischief in the Garage. I never quite got around to reading the story it was attached to but I finally did. Mischief in the Dark by Liza James is another Halloween story about 2 people who go to a haunted house and somehow get stuck in the dark warehouse behind locked doors. What can we do while we wait? Have sex, of course! lol It was a very cute short story (24 pages I think) and I like how the author interjected humor with the sex. 4 out of 5
Holly from The Book Binge sent me the latest 2 books in the Warriors of Poseidon series by Alyssa Day. I started reading one for my BB read this week and pretty much didn’t have a clue what was going on. I decided to read the series and see what was happening. Luckily my local library had books 1 and 3 in stock and I had the novellas that make up books 2 and 4 already on my shelf. So I read Atlantis Rising and it wasn’t bad. It’s kind of like a shape-shifter story in that the Warriors of Poseidon are finding their mates – only they don’t mate they soul-meld. I’m thinking that the stories will focus on the Prince (book 1), his brother and the Seven which are the warriors that protect the prince, but I’m guessing. This story followed Conlan who had just been returned to Atlantis after being held prisoner and tortured by THE evil vamp goddess, Anubisa. He meets Riley and is immediately drawn to her and wants to protect her and of course then she’s in danger, etc. I thought that Riley held her own with not being bossed around which was good since there was a shitload of testosterone going around. lol I personally thought that even though the Atlanteans discovered that Conlan wasn’t mentally damaged from his 7 years of torture he adjusted pretty damned well to being free and all of a sudden falling in love but that’s me. 3.5 out of 5
Next was the next book in the Warriors of Poseidon series by Alyssa Day, Wild Hearts in Atlantis which is in the Wild Thing novella (which I already had because of the Meljean Brook story in it. :0)). This was another warrior, Bastien, who goes to Florida to try and check out some rogue shape-shifters and falls in love with Kat, who is part human and part shape-shifter. In these books vamps and shape-shifters were revealed to humans about 10 years earlier and some evil ones have pretty much started to take over. The Atlanteans haven’t been revealed but are trying to help stop the take over. 3.5 out of 5
My last read for the week was Neck and Neck by Elizabeth Bevarly. I read this one for The Book Binge and will let you know when my review posts.