Tag: Myne Whitman

Review: A Love Rekindled

Posted March 30, 2011 by Tracy in Reviews | 5 Comments

Efe returns to Nigeria after years in the United States, dreaming of a happy, independent life. However, her nights become plagued by nightmares of Kevwe Mukoro, her ex-fiancé. Long hours at work and drinking in nightclubs only provide temporary relief, and when she encounters Kevwe’s twin brother, she knows it’s a matter of time before Kevwe is back in her life. Sparks fly when they finally meet again, but desire is no match for bitter memories of heartbreak. All these years, Efe believed she was rejected; now Kevwe claims he’d never stopped loving her. Stuck at a crossroads, Kevwe prefers to look to the future, but Efe is not so sure. Can the traumatic events of the past be resolved, and will she give in to rekindled love?
Efe is ready to get on with her life after returning from the States. She has spent the last 7 years there getting her education and learning to get over the heartbreak of a failed relationship. You see right before she left for the States her fiancé, Kevwe, broke up with her – not even having the decency to tell her to her face and having his parents do the dirty deed for him. Her friends had seen him around with another woman and Efe is devastated that her love could be so easily thrown to the side of the road.
Now she’s older and wiser but upon her return to Nigeria she finds herself having strange nightmares about Kevwe. She’s shocked when a man walks into her office and she’s sure it’s him, but really it’s his identical twin brother, Ofure. When Ofure relates his meeting with Efe to his brother Kevwe is determined that he will do nothing about Efe’s return, but he eventually can’t hold himself back and plans a meeting.
Together Kevwe and Efe try to discover what happened 7 years prior and try to figure out if they can try and rekindled the love that they once had.
I was very interested to read this book as I’ve never read a romance set in Nigeria before. The different cultures and the tribal politics were definitely something that was new to me.
The book was told in a series of flashbacks – going back to 1999-2002 and then forward to 2009 – and though this sometimes works for me in a book I didn’t care for it in this novel. I would have preferred to read most of the past in one fell swoop and then read the current happenings with Kevwe and Efe with a few flashbacks interspersed. I think that because of the flashbacks the emotionality of the romance actually suffered. I would just be getting into what was happening in 2009 when the book would head on back to the past. I couldn’t get a true grasp of how the characters were feeling about each other because I was pulled from the story again and again. While the romance was sweet it lacked the depth that I thought the story required for such a huge issue as the couple’s break up.
I also had issues with what I believe is the slang of Nigeria. Not that the slang itself was an issue but not me knowing it was a problem. Sometimes the characters said things to each other and I had no idea what the meaning of the sentence was. Like the word “sha”. After reading it I thought it might mean friend but after looking it up just now I realize that it means “anyway; like that” and there were several other words that I was just as confused about. I just found it very confusing – especially if the author was writing the characters to be speaking in broken English. Now those were my personal issues with the book and someone else may not have the same problems.
In the end A Love Rekindled was a decent read but there were parts of the book I liked and others that I didn’t care for.
Rating: 3 out of 5

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What I Read Last Week

Posted March 28, 2011 by Tracy in Features | 13 Comments

Good morning!
How was everyone’s weekend? Hopefully it was all good. Mine was pretty quiet. My hubby’s b-day was yesterday and we had a lovely lunch with his parents on Saturday and then another wonderful dinner with my family yesterday.
Since there’s not much going on around here I’ll get right to the books I read this past week.
My first read was One Magic Moment by Lynn Kurland. This one doesn’t release until early May but I really loved Kurland’s time travel novel’s. This one was good but it almost felt like 2 different books to me. The first was the meeting of the couple and it was so sweet and I was loving where the romance was heading. Then the couple time traveled and the tone of the book changed. Still good but not as good as the first part of the book, imho. I read this one for The Book Binge so I’ll let you know when my review posts. 3.5 out of 5
Next up was another book for The Book Binge, Hidden Embers by Tessa Adams. (This one also releases at the beginning of May.) In this book we meet Jasmine who is going to New Mexico to help try to find something that will help the Dragonstar clan with the virus that is killing their people (the same virus we learned about in book 1). Quinn and Jasmine hit it off but there are roadblocks in their way. This was a good story but I did have some issues with it. I’ll let you know when my review posts. 3.25 out of 5
Delivered with Love by Sherry Kyle was my next read. This was an inspirational book about a twenty-something girl who is trying to find out more about her deceased mother’s past. She heads out on a road trip and the info that she discovers was nothing like she expected. A good book but more than a few parts of it, I felt, were really unrealistic. My review of this one will go up on Friday. 3 out of 5
When Holly was down last weekend she talked me into buying What I Did for a Duke by Julie Anne Long. I’d heard good things about the book and had planned on reading it but maybe not too soon. When I really looked though I discovered that it was a revenge story and I hesitated. I’ve discovered that I really don’t like revenge plots all that much any more so what to do? In steps Holly and said DO IT! I caved and read it and it was SO good! I loved it. It’s definitely one of my favorite reads of the year so far. I loved the duke – his character was entertaining as well as so heart wrenching. I loved Genevieve even though she was a bit wishy-washy at times. I adored how Long (this was my first read by her) didn’t pull any punches with the fact that the duke is almost 40 and in fact even had Genevieve make mention of the lines on his face. Just a great book. If you like historicals then you won’t want to miss this one. 5 out of 5
My Tracy’s TBR Challenge read for the week was The Ghost Wore Yellow Socks by Josh Lanyon. This was another of Josh’s great mystery stories. Perry comes home early from a vacation and finds a dead body in his bathtub. He goes to get help but when the person goes to check it out the body is gone. His neighbor, ex Navy SEAL, Nick, decides to help out and not only do they work together to solve the mystery but they end up having a relationship as well. A really good mystery and romance mix. 4 out of 5
Last on the list was A Love Rekindled by Myne Whitman. This was the story of Efe who has returned to Nigeria after 7 years when she runs into her ex-fiance who broke her heart. The fiancé, Kevwe, however, believes that Efe broke his heart all those years ago. Can they get to the bottom of the issue and rekindle their love? I’ll be reviewing this on Wednesday so I’ll tell you more then. 3 out of 5
My Book Binge reviews that posted last week:

Happy Reading!

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