Tag: Monthly Reads

Monthly Reads: November 2016

Monthly Reads: November 2016

Holly: I spent the majority of November re-reading old Linda Howard favorites. I tend to go back to old favorites when I don’t have a lot of reading time because they’re easy to 1) finish in a single sitting or 2) set aside when I get busy. Fluency by Jennifer Foehner Wells | 3.5/5 White Out […]

Monthly Reads: October 2016

Monthly Reads: October 2016

Casee: I completely feel like a piece of book poo. This is the second month that I’ve read less than 10 books. Since April, I had my reading mojo back. I conquered it. It was great. I felt great. The problem here is that I’m not in a slump. It’s that my concentration is shot. […]

Monthly Reads: September 2016

Monthly Reads: September 2016

Casee: The month of September was a pathetic month for me. I’m ashamed to even tell you all the number of books I read. The patheticness (a word made up for me) that was my reading is laughable. I didn’t even do any re-reads. Apprentice in Death by J.D. Robb | 4.25 out of 5 […]

Monthly Reads: August 2016

Monthly Reads: August 2016

Casee: This has been my best reading month since April. I was just as busy, but I had more chunks of time to sit down and read. Does that even make sense? It seems very convoluted to me. I also discovered Rebecca Zanetti who is a new-to-me author. I read five of her books and […]

Monthly Reads: July 2016

Monthly Reads: July 2016

Casee: I read some very good books in July. I’ve decided not to go with volume, but with quality. I read eight books and most of them were very good. Most of the books I read were toward the end of the month because my family was out of town. It’s amazing how much reading […]