Tag: Liz Fichera

What I Read Last Week

Posted April 8, 2014 by Tracy in Features | 0 Comments


It’s been a while, hasn’t it?  Last Monday I had a horrible migraine and just couldn’t work up the brain power to write a post – sorry about that.  I’ve been having a lot of those lately and ended up having an MRI.  Wow – that sucked. lol  But…they said all was normal – well, at least as normal as it can be in my case. 😉

So the last time I posted I promised videos.  I’ve got one of my youngest doing her Taekwondo thing and one of both my girls playing their bells.  The one of my youngest is a bit different than her regular promotions.  I cut parts out but she does a few new things with a fan and then a different form that’s kind of a dance.  Unfortunately because they played music during that particular form the video isn’t available in all countries – sorry.

And here’s the one of my daughters playing their bells:

My daughters are the bleach blond in the middle and the one that’s 4 down from her (the shortest girl).

Since I missed a week I’ll just tell you what a read the week before last and their ratings and then move on to this past week.
March 24-March 30:
Can’t Stop Believing by Jodi Thomas  4.5 out of 5
When All The World Sleeps by Lisa Henry and JA Rock
4 out of 5
A Heart Too Proud by Laura London
3.5 out of 5 
The Wolf Siren by Karen Whiddon
3.5 out of 5
Betting the Rainbow by Jodi Thomas
4 out of 5 
One Night With an Earl by Jennifer Haymore
3.75 out of 5

This past week:

I started the week with My Lady, My Lord by Katharine Ashe.  This is a lovely story about two people who supposedly hate each other but actually love each other. That doesn’t stop them from arguing constantly.  Well, walking a bit in the others shoes – literally – really helps them see each other in a different light.  This one was really good and I very much enjoyed it.  4 out of 5

Next up was Once Upon a Billionaire by Jessica Clare.  This is book 4 in the Billionaire Boys Club series and it was a good one.  We got to see cynical and snobbish Griffin deal with countrified Maylee.  She certainly brought him down a notch or two and it was great.  You can read my review of this book here. 4 out of 5

Next was Red at Night by Katie McGarry.  This is a free novella that shows us Stella who grew up very poor mostly without a dad and Jonah who is trying to deal with a car accident that strongly effected him.  The pair are complete opposites but are perfect for each other.  I liked the way that McGarry brought the two together and had Jonah looking at a different side of life.  4.5 out 5

Another free novella was You Are Here by Liz Fichera.  The story was about a girl who had had tragedy in her past and it had effected her mother, her brother and her financially.  They get kicked out of their house and end up in a homeless shelter.  She misses her horse and her boyfriend who she thinks cheated on her.  The story was sweet and very sad but it was such an involved story I needed it to be longer in order delve farther in. It was just too short for me to feel the depth it needed.  3.5 out of 5

After that I tried to read Rules of Entanglement by Gina L. Maxwell.  This was just not for me.  I found the heroine to be completely annoying and uptight.  DNF (Book Binge book)

Alpha Wolf by Rebecca Royce is the story of Michael Kane who arrives in New Orleans to retrieve his long lost sister but ends up meeting his mate.  She is the pack punching bag and he gets pissed.  The story is about him cleaning up her pack and dealing with his mate Scarlett and her latent wolf.  The story was good but nothing too angsty. 3.75 out of 5 

Next up was Between the Devil and Ian Eversea by Julie Anne Long.  OMG I love this author!  She writes such damned good books I just can’t put them down!  This is Ian Eversea’s books, obviously, and he’s paired up with a woman who has lost everything.  Everyone thinks she’s this prim and proper thing but she has her secrets.  The book was amazing and I loved every minute of it. 5 out of 5

Crash Into Me by Katie McGarry is the story of Rachel who is a sheltered girl who loves cars and speed.  She is overprotected by her parents and 4 brothers and sneaks out to drive fast.  She end up at a street race and ends up barely escaping from the cops.  While at the race she meets and helps Isaiah and they both end up helping each other.  When the guy who was running the race thinks that Rachel was the one that called the cops and ripped him off (it wasn’t her) he makes her pay the $5,000.00 back.  The story is Isaiah and Rachel figuring out how to raise the money and also with Rachel finding her place in the world and not under her parents thumbs.  I really enjoyed this book.  I felt so sorry for Rachel and loved who she was when she was with Isaiah.  It was a very good book and I can’t wait to read the next in the series. 4 out of 5

Lion and the Falcon by Eve Langlais is book 4 in the Furry United Coalition (FUC) series.  The Falcon, Clarice, is on loan from ASS (Avian Soaring Security) and is partnered with a lion, Dr. Nolan Manners, to look for a shifter who was injected by a nut job and then turned mutant.  The mutant is after the employees of FUC so Clarice stays with Nolan. The lion cracked me up as he was so pampered but still a man.  He was just funny and he was a perfect fit for Clarice.  3.75 out of 5

Last for the week was Doe and the Wolf by Eve Langlais and is book 5 in the same series.  The story has Everett the wolf who is a bounty hunter (and previous FUC agent) looking for more mutants for the FUC.  He gets hurt by said mutant – a giant gecko – and is saved by Dawn a doe.  Dawn is actually one of the mutants but isn’t dangerous.  Everett ends up taking her home because he is attracted to her.  Unfortunately the gecko wants Dawn as well.  The story was cute.  It was a little slow but funny as well.  3.25 out of 5

My Book Binge reviews that posted the last two weeks:
Guest Review: A Lady By Any Other Name by Jennifer Kitchens
Guest Review: Barely Undercover by Sarah Castille
Guest Review: What the Groom Wants by Jade Lee
Guest Review: Long Shot by Hanna Martine

Happy Reading!

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Review: Hooked by Liz Fichera

Posted February 27, 2013 by Rowena in Reviews | 2 Comments

Review: Hooked by Liz FicheraReviewer: Rowena
Hooked (Hooked, #1) by Liz Fichera
Series: Hooked #1
Publisher: Harlequin, Harlequin Teen
Publication Date: March 22nd 2013
Genres: Young Adult
Add It: Goodreads
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Ripped Bodice | Google Play Books
Series Rating: three-stars

When Native American Fredricka ‘Fred’ Oday is invited to become the only girl on the school’s golf team, she can’t say no. This is an opportunity to shine, win a scholarship and go to university, something no one in her family has done.

But Fred’s presence on the team isn’t exactly welcome — especially not to rich golden boy Ryan Berenger, whose best friend was kicked off the team to make a spot for Fred.

But there’s no denying that things are happening between the girl with the killer swing and the boy with the killer smile...



"Not just a Romeo and Juliet story, the book examines the conflicts of white versus Indian and rich versus poor, giving it far more heft than the average romance. Bravo." (Kirkus STARRED Review)

I wanted to read this book because I heard that the main character was a golfer and that was different enough from what I’m used to in a main female lead for a contemporary YA that I was intrigued.

We first meet Fred when the golf coach for the high school is talking to her and her Dad about Fred joining the golf club.  She’s a fantastic golfer and the coach wants her on the team.  Being Native American, living on the res and being a girl, Fred’s father isn’t too wild about Fred joining the team but he leaves it up to Fred and she accepts.

There are plenty of things that jump out during this story.  Fred’s now apart of the golf team and with her inclusion, some cuts need to be made and the guy they cut just so happens to be Ryan’s best friend.  So yeah, Ryan is not too happy about that and he makes his displeasure known again and again and again.

At times, I found myself annoyed with both Fred and Ryan.  At times, they are both very unlikable (at least to me) and while the whole premise of the story intrigued and interested me, there were times when I just had to put the book down because it dragged.  Both Ryan and Fred annoyed me so much through out the book that it’s a wonder why I even liked the book.  But I did.  I really liked all of the golf talk because let’s be real, golf is pretty boring but I thought Fichera did a great job of making golf, cool.

I’m glad that I finished this book because I did come to like both Ryan and Fred’s characters but even then, it didn’t completely wash away my annoyance from the both of them in the beginning and middle of the book.  You could chalk it up to them both being young and immature (way immature) but be that as it may, they were still hard to take at times.

Overall, I liked the concept of the book and I came to like the characters in the book but it wasn’t my favorite book of the year.

…and that’s your scoop!

This book is available from Harlequin Teen. This book was received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Buy the book: B&N|Amazon|Book Depository
Book cover and blurb credit: http://goodreads.com


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