Taming the Scotsman by Kinley MacGregor
Series: Brotherhood of the Sword #4, MacAllisters #4
Also in this series: Claiming the Highlander (Brotherhood of the Sword #2/MacAllister, #1), Born in Sin
Publisher: Harper Collins, Avon
Publication Date: August 26, 2003
Format: Print
Source: Purchased
Point-of-View: Third
Genres: Historical Romance
Pages: 374
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No one can tell the hot-blooded Scottish lass whom to marry! But the much-feared man Nora runs to for protection may be more perilous to her heart than any unwanted groom...
And much more difficult to tame!
Nora is a woman with a mission. Rather than be forced to endure a loveless marriage, she has fled her home, bound for England. There’s one small problem, though; she needs a guide, and the best choice is Ewan MacAllister, the only man both her father and her fiancé fear. Beneath Ewan’s rough and tumble exterior, however, she finds the heart of a loyal friend, and suddenly, more than to be free, she yearns to tame the proud Highlander who protects his wounded heart.
Tormented by his past, Ewan wants only to be left alone. Until the fiery lass forces herself into his remote home and refuses to leave unless he escorts her far away from Scotland. Ewan thinks her mad, especially given her claims to be none other than niece to the Queen of England, but he can’t let her travel about the countryside unescorted. In spite of her unorthodox ways and stubborn nature, she is rather fetching for a bold lass. And to his deepest chagrin, he finds himself wishing for the one thing he never thought to have. A brave Highland lady to call his own…
This review was originally posted on May 26, 2008.
Another MacAllister finds true love. This is the third MacAllister brother to find his wife and this book was enjoyable. Not the best of the bunch, but still enjoyable because it added to the mystery of Keiran. The end raised a lot of questions and I read this book for the first time, a long time ago and could not wait for Lochlan’s story, hoping against hope that his story would bring more answers to all of the questions I had about Keiran.
When we first began this series, we learn the story of Keiran, Isobel and Ewan. Isobel hooked up with one brother, forcing him to fall for her charms and then ran away with another brother, which brought on a whole lot of betrayals, regrets and broken hearts….and Ewan has a whole lot of regret going on in this story. He fell for Isobel and ran away with her, knowing about Keiran and Isobel but foolishly believing that Isobel was truly and utterly in love with him. She shows her true colors as soon as they get to London and admits to Ewan that she really only used him to get to her true love, some chap out there.
So Ewan returns home, jilted and feeling like a fool.
He builds a home for himself in a cave and he lives alone, punishing himself for what he did to his brother. Keiran has disappeared and Ewan blames himself. They don’t know where he is, how he’s doing or anything and Ewan lives with the absence of his brother, a daily reminder of everything he regrets in life.
Then Nora comes into his life, a runaway bride and he’s not having any of it. He is not going to repeat the mistakes of yonder years and he’s going to take this runaway bride directly to her father, where she belongs and he’s going to come back to the life he created for himself and continue to punish himself for the mistakes of his past.
This story was a bit on the cheesy side and though I enjoyed the book, it’s nowhere near my favorite. I think what made me jump up and pay attention in this book was all of the Keiran mentions. When the story ends with that big ol’ cliff hanger, I wanted Lochlan’s book something fierce. I wanted to devour it, hoping that there would be more of Keiran.
I believe he’s alive…and dude, I heard some stuff about Lochlan’s story (that I have yet to read) and now that I’m all caught up with these books, I’m going to put in a read of The Warrior next, woo frickin’ hoo!
Ewan was a good hero. He was strong, he loved his family and he had problems that he had to work through and I enjoyed getting to know him.
Nora was funny, she had me laughing quite a bit in this story and she was just a delight to read about again. She fit right in with Ewan and I was rootin’ them on to their happy ending. I enjoyed seeing Sin and Callie and Braden and Maggie in this story, they were a delightful addition to this story and Sin…I can never get enough of Sin, so woo hoo bring on the Sin! =)
Should you read this book? Yeah, because it goes with the other stories and because it’s a good book. Great characters, solid storyline if you can get past the cheese. It’s a good one guys, so keep the happy reading going with this one.
Grade: 4 out of 5
This book is available from Avon. You can buy it here or here in e-format.
Brotherhood of the Sword & MacAllisters