Tag: Jory Strong

Guest Review: Primal by Lora Leigh, Michelle Rowen, Jory Strong and Ava Gray

Posted February 10, 2011 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Reviews | 2 Comments

Genres: Paranormal Romance

Tracy’s review of Primal by Lora Leigh, Michelle Rowen, Jory Strong and Ava Gray.

When desire cannot be controlled…When personal will is overpowered by carnal cravings…When only one fearless impulse feeds you, body and soul…

You can’t deny it. It’s something primal.

Primal is an anthology with 4 novellas in it.

Bleeding Heart by Michelle Rowen.

This is a continuation of her novel, Nightshade, and though I never read that book I was quite caught up in what was happening in the story. A human, Jill, has been injected with a poison and she wants it out. It’s the kind that will kill her eventually and her dhampyr (half-human/half-vampire) bodyguard, Declan, is trying to help her find someone that will drain the poison from her blood.

Jill and Declan are assisted by Jackson who takes them to an underground lap where experiments are done on vampires. The scientist who assisted in making the nightshade poison in the first place is there but he has ulterior motives to helping Jill.

On top of the stress of the poison and the scientist, Jill is having a hard time with her feelings toward Declan. I’m not sure how they came to be together but in order to suppress his vampire side Declan is under the control of a serum that makes him completely unable to feel emotions. Jill wants nothing more than to be held by Declan but she doesn’t want that if he’s not feeling the same things she is.

This was an action packed novella that really sucked me in and I’m thinking I may have to read Nightshade now to get all the background. Jill’s plight is heart wrenching as she had no idea vampires even existed a week before. Now she’s not only caught up in their world but her body is a walking time bomb because of them. The story was quite good but incredibly heart-wrenching as well.

Skin & Bone by Ava Gray

In Skin Tight we met Silas who worked as a lackey for the Foundation. In this story we find that Silas isn’t the brainless helper that we thought he was. He’s not only quite intelligent but was acting the idiot in order to fool the Foundation doctors into believing that he was a failure and had no power at all. Wrong. He could actually hurt people with his mind – break their necks, their arms, cut them…all with a thought. He definitely doesn’t like this part of himself but he didn’t want the crazy people (scientists) discovering this and using him for their own gain.

So Silas got out of the lab he was held in and has been moving around. He’s in Ecuador when it is hit by an earthquake. He saves a woman from certain death by uncovering her from the rubble and together they set out to help the village. Silas decides that it’s time to move on but the woman, Juneau, wants to move on with him. It seems that they’re two of a kind – moving around, finding no roots, etc. The pair finds a common bond and that bond grows stronger as time passes.

The Foundation has located Silas though, and so has the resistance – who gets to him first and what will happen with his relationship with Juneau.

I love the Skin series! I’ve been hooked since book 1 and this novella was no different. Gray makes all of the characters unique and it really makes the stories so very interesting. I loved Silas and his big heart and Juneau was just the right fit for him. Good story!

Angel-Claimed by Jory Strong

This is the story of Sajia who works for a vampire family in San Francisco. Her charge has gone missing and she must find her or suffer the wrath of the Master. Addai is an angel who loves has waited for the reincarnation of his wife who ends up being Sajia. Sajia wants nothing more than to take off with Addai, but she can’t betray her family who would suffer from the vampires should she disappear. She must find her charge but in order to do this Addai must suffer at her hands.

I didn’t care for this story all that much. I couldn’t get into it as it seemed that it was a continuation from previous books by this author and I was thrown in to a story all ready in session. At one point Addai had taken Sajia to someone he thought could locate her charge and she has to beat him with a cat-o-nine-tails first. Though the angel can heal himself instantly I found it most disturbing and I think it colored my view of the story from then on.

Primal Kiss by Lora Leigh

Creed has been guarding Kita Engalls for a little over a year and Kita wants nothing more than to throw him down and have her way with him. But Creed Raines is a Breed and is working under-cover for Kita’s father – Horace Engalls who was Philip Brandenmore’s partner in crime.

Brandenmore has been held by the Breed’s while they try to discover what he’s done. Brandenmore, in a previous book, injected Jonas’s adopted daughter with a serum. They are trying to find out exactly what she’s been injected with and what it will do to her body. Brandenmore injected himself with it and his aging has regressed to make him look incredibly young – but it’s also screwed up his brain.

Creed is trying to get information from Engalls while on duty but he never imagined that Kita would be so appealing – or that she would be his mate. When she disappears and he follows he wants nothing more than to make her his but he wants her to know everything so that she won’t hate him later.

This was a great novella in the Breeds series. Leigh made the story quite interesting by really making this story an integral part of the series. Information was discovered that could have a major effect on previous events and people.

On top of the suspense portion of the story we got to have a great little love story as well. I loved that the pair had been, more or less, circling each other for a year even if they didn’t know that’s what they were actually doing. Creed was a complete bad ass but not a bastard and truly loved Kita. He wanted what was best for her and therefore didn’t want to lie to her. Needless to say there were great kissing scenes in this story. How could there not be with a title of Primal Kiss?

Overall a very good anthology that I truly enjoyed.

Rating: 4 out of 5

You can read more from Tracy at Tracy’s Place

This book is available from Berkley Sensation. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

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What I Read Last Week

Posted February 7, 2011 by Tracy in Features | 14 Comments

Pretty quiet week this past week.  The most excitement we had was my girls getting their hair cut – big event in Tracyland. lol  I took my youngest because she had attempted to cut her own.  I have to say that she did a damned good job but it still needed fixing.  She figured if she was going to get a little cut then she wanted a new style.  She pulled one off the internet and off we went (oldest was in Saturday detention at the time – oh joy).  Here was the end result. (you can see all the hair that was cut off in the background of picture on the left – it was a lot!)
Then when we went to pick up my oldest she wanted her hair cut as well.  We went home and ate lunch and watched a movie and then she too picked a style off of the internet and away we went.  My girls don’t have a regular stylist they go to but the one that cut my youngest’s hair did such a good job and subsequently cut my oldest’s as well I think she’ll be their new girl. She did a fabulous job with both girls incorporating the pictures to fit their tastes and their hair.  This is the oldest. (and yes, if she smiled her face would crack, in case you were wondering *sigh*) but she was thrilled with the result even though she doesn’t show it:
I think they’re both adorable!
I’m not sure if I mentioned it perviously but before I went down to Holly’s a couple of weeks ago I took the bull by the horns and went through my TBR and tried to be brutally honest with myself. I had a lot of books that I had gotten from book swaps or that people had sent me and I had to ask myself, “am I really going to read this any time soon…or ever”? Well when it was all said and done I’d taken almost 100 books off of my shelves. I took them to Holly’s and let the girls take whatever they wanted. I then took them to my friends Jen and Jenn and let them go through them and then I donated about 50 books to the library. So this Sunday I spent some time (ok, a long damn time) going through all of the books on my shelves that were left over as well as all of the books on my stick drive where I keep my ebooks and added all of the books that I have, that I haven’t read, to my Goodreads TBR. I ended up with 601. That’s just wrong – especially since I’d just gotten rid of 98 or so! lol There were also some ebooks that I had read that weren’t rated on Goodreads so I did that too. One more thing that I get to mark off my to do list!
So on to what I read this past week:
FYI – I completely failed on my Tracy’s TBR challenge read for this past week. I’ll try to do better next week. *hangs head*
I started off with Passion: Erotic Romance for Women edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel.  This was a collection of short erotic romance stories.  Some were really good – some disturbed me a bit but overall it was a good set of stories. I read this for The Book Binge and will let you know when my review posts. 3.5 out of 5
Next up was Wicked Intentions by Elizabeth Hoyt.  The story of Temperance who runs a foundling home with her brother, Winter, in a very bad part of the city.  Temperance is approached by Lazarus Huntington, Lord Caire, who wants Temperance help him find someone since she knows the area of London, St. Giles, very well.  Temperance helps Lord Caire but she gets more than she bargains for since there’s a powerful person in St. Giles who doesn’t want Lord Caire finding the killer of his mistress, and wants Temperance out of St. Giles completely.  I loved this book.  I thought it was so well done with the romance as well as the suspense portion of the book.  Then there were the secondary characters that we got to meet – one that stood out the most, Silence, Temperance’s sister.  Her story was heart wrenching and I ached for her by the end of the book.  So good! 5 out of 5
My next read was a novella called Arctic Winds by Sondrae Bennett. This was the story of a fox shifter who is shunned by her skulk (fox pack) and has been on the move for the past 4 years. She makes her way into a town but since she has a cold can’t pick up the scent and the fact that she’s landed right in the middle of a wolf pack town. And who wants her from the minute he catches her scent? The alpha of the wolf pack, of course. The story covers their romance and it was cute. 3 out of 5
Next up was Primal by Lora Leigh, Michelle Rowen, Jory Strong and Ava Gray.  This 4 story anthology was a good one.  I hadn’t read either Strong or Rowen so they were new to me.  I really liked all of the stories except the Strong one didn’t agree with me very well but even that was well done.  I read this for The Book Binge so will let you know when my review posts. Overall rating 4 out of 5
RiverTime by Rae Renzi was my next read.  This was a really good story about 2 people who are stranded in the Grand Canyon, what they experience and how that experience changes their lives when they get back to civilization.  I’ll be posting my review this week so keep your eyes peeled. 🙂
I was so excited that my copy of Notorious Pleasures by Elizabeth Hoyt came into the library since I’d just finished the previous book in the series.  This book was just as good as the first.  The romance between Hero and Griffin was just wonderful and again the secondary characters were great.  We got to read more about Silence, we got to know more about Hero’s brother who’s a Duke and her sister – Phoebe.  Poor Phoebe, I certainly hope we get to know her a little better in future books.  This also included an excerpt to Silence’s book which releases in Nov. and I just can’t wait to read it! 5 out of 5
Last for the week was Hammer & Air by Amy Lane. This was an amazing story/fairy tale that is about 2 boys from an orphanage who find themselves on the run. The more I think about this story the more I think I need to review it so I think I’ll post it on Wednesday.
My Book Binge review that posted this past week:
Happy Reading!

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Guest Review: Divine Redemption by Jory Strong

Posted July 28, 2010 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Reviews | 1 Comment

Judith‘s review of Divine Redemption by Jory Strong.

Their connection was instant, their attraction intense. Reincarnated souls reunited though neither consciously realize the depth of their bond. Tmeperance and Demetri love each other. Lust after each other. But a third waits, someone who will complete an already near-perfect union.

Thanos wronged them in a previous existence and, as the mortal son of Dionysius, was punished for it by the Fates. he’s had lifetimes to repent, eons to witness the rebirths and deaths of the two people who have come to mean everything to him.

Now the Moirae have finally reunited the three of them, giving Thanos a chance to rekindle an ancient flame. For their part, Tempe and Demetri must choose him freely. While Thanos must avoid retracing old steps–and betraying his lovers once again.

Jory Strong is one of those writers that had a creative mind, the like of which is seldom seen. This author can come up with alternate realities and universes that boggle the mind, and having reviewed a couple of her other books previously, I am astounded that she has developed a story strand that, wierd as it may seem and as short as it is, is full of life and love.

Divine Redemption can be read as one of those “eat at lunch with your ham sandwich” kinds of reads, and it will satisfy as a stand-alone piece. However it is also a loose sequel to Strong’s Death’s Courtship. The characters are old and rooted in Greek mythology but after myriads of re-incarnations, the main characters once again encounter one another, are irresistably drawn to one another once again, and stand in danger of being betrayed once again by Thanos, the son of the god Dionysius and a human mother, and a man who is fighting for the regeneration and freedom of his soul. Now at last, he has received permission to once again approach these two lovers but can only be freed to live with them and be in a permanent love relationship if they freely invite him.

This short story is full of life and some not-so-nice mythical characters that are once again on the mission to upend Thanos once again. There are twists and turns that are surprising in such a short story. And as a reader that doesn’t do a whole lot of fantasy reading–it just doesn’t ring true to me a lot of the time–I respect the writing ability of this author and I guess I went into this reading task with a more positive set of expectations. Lovers of fantasy romance will find a fun read here and will, I think, revel in Strong’s ability to stuff so much into such a short number of pages. Were it longer I would give it a high rating, but nevertheless, it is not a waste of time and will certainly entertain as advertised. I give it a rating of 3.5 out of 5.

This book is available from Ellora’s Cave. You can buy it here in e-format.

You can read more review from Judith at Dr. J’s Book Place.

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Guest Review: Spider-Touched by Jory Strong

Posted January 7, 2010 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Reviews | 2 Comments

Publisher: Berkley, PenguinGenres: Paranormal Romance

Judith’s review of Spider-Touched by Jory Strong.

In a post-Apocalyptic world where supernaturals have emerged from hiding, wealthy humans live secure while the masses struggle to survive. Civil rights belong to the powerful—and ultimate freedom to those brave enough to risk their souls by embracing ancient enemies…

Held prisoner by humans, his angelic memory and power lost because of the sigil-inscribed collar around his neck, Tir dreams of freedom and hungers for vengeance. He’s sworn he’ll never lie with a mortal, but when Araña removes his shackles and helps him escape his captivity, she melts his icy control and leaves him burning with desire. She’s a temptation he can’t resist—an unknowing enemy who might well enslave him more thoroughly than the chains he’s worn for centuries.

Branded, feared, untouchable because of the deadly spider-shaped mark on her skin, Araña is unaware of her true origins. Raised in a fundamentalist settlement until she escaped and found refuge among outcasts and criminals, she believes herself demon-tainted. But when her unnatural psychic ability causes her to weave her destiny to Tir’s, their alliance turns into an exploration of passion, and begins a quest that will lead to her Djinn heritage.

Powerful forces brought them together to serve a greater purpose…but learning the truth of what they are will destroy them—unless their love is strong enough to overcome the dark legacy of a battle that began with the birth of mankind.

Jory Strong is an author I have not encountered before reading Spider-Touched. However, whatever may have been the public’s response to her previous efforts, this novel is a memorable experience in the literature of alternate realities. This book is filled with shapeshifters, dark and violent humans whose sadism violates the citizenry by their very presence, witches, gifted humans of various psychic abilities, wealthy and powerful people who rule with no concern for anyone but themselves, vampires, fallen angels and ghouls. Strong has connected with the strangest of muses as she has built a world that is as dark and confusing as a John Carpenter movie, riding on a background of unrelieved sensuality and eroticism. In fact, the background of some of the contemporary post-apocalypse movies flashed through my mind as I was reading. Even so, this is a book that should be assigned in college courses on the contemporary American novel.

Spider-Touched tells the story of Anana and Tir, individuals who have strange and wonderful abilities but have not the slightest idea of what they are. The tale Strong weaves is obviously a story of good against evil, love against the forces of all that is alien to true relationship, but that is where any semblance of simplicity ends. The characters are dark, dark, dark!! Not many smiles, little tenderness to be found, and apart from the smouldering sexuality of the main characters, no regard or closeness to speak of. It is a world culture and society that is completely foreign to anything familiar; in fact, the world as we know it has ceased to exist. It is raw and cutting in its intensity and certainly not a novel for the fainthearted.

When all is said and done, Strong is an author of awesome proportion. Her skill at putting such a novel together is extraordinary. The various characters appear and then disappear, the strands of their individual experience merge and then separate and then merge again, just like the webs which spiders create with such care and intricacy. It is truly a work of literary art! It is not easy to read, but once begun, draws the reader on, moving from one scene to the next. When I read the final paragraph, my comment literally flew audibly out of my mouth: “Oh my gosh, what a book!” If one is seeking a quick and facile literary experience here, forget it. Reading Spider-Touched takes commitment to the reading task!

Rating 5 out of 5

This book is available from Berkley Trade. You can buy it here.

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