It’s Monday again. I can’t quite figure out how the weekends are going so fast but they seem to be much shorter than say…2 days during the week? Do you feel that way? :0)
So last Sunday, the 29th, my oldest daughter went ice skating with some friends. She got her feet knocked out from under her when a kid decided to play human wrecking ball on the ice. She complained of pain so on Monday evening I took her for x-rays. They detected nothing but said sometime breaks in the wrist don’t show up until later. Two days later I got a call from the radiologist stating that she had a possible ligament disruption (?) and that she needed her arm/hand casted. While we were getting it casted yet another doctor looked at the x-rays and saw a hairline fracture. Wow – exciting times in Tracyland. lol She’s in some pain but doing well. They put a heavy plaster cast on her arm last Wednesday but she’ll get it off and have more x-rays taken by the orthopedist on Friday. Hopefully she won’t have to get another cast on but I’m not holding my breath.
I have 3 giveaways going at the moment:
1 print copy of Where the Horses Run by Kaki Warner (Intl. ok)
1 print copy of The Longest Night by Kara Braden (US and Canada Onlyl)
1 digital copy of Napoleon by JC Mells
What I read last week:
I started the week with Then Came You by Jill Shalvis. This is a great book that takes place in Sunshine, Idaho and is part of the Animal Magnetism series. I’ll post my review of this one tomorrow.
Next up was Napoleon by JC Mells. This is a NA m/m romance that has to do with shifters so it’s kind of paranormal in that aspect…except they don’t actually shift so it’s more contemporary, if that makes sense. The story is about Napoleon and his attraction for a straight boy. It’s fun and funny and I really enjoyed it. There’s a giveaway going if you’re interested in it. You can read my review and enter the giveaway here. 4 out of 5
Next up was Fueled by Lust: Cato by Celeste Prater. This is the story of Cato who is an alien of sorts (but looks human) who is scanning the airwaves when he hears Luna. He doesn’t know her name but he can’t stop listening to her. At one point he tries to see her but he keeps missing her. When she tries to get away from her boyfriend she’s beat up and Cato comes to the rescue. Of course he’s not sure how he’s going to tell her about the whole alien thing but he’s hoping she’ll stick with him. It was an interesting book. I thought parts of it were really good and had problems with other parts. 3 out of 5 (read for Book Binge)
Last for the week (I know, I didn’t read much, did I?) was The Wicked Deeds of Daniel Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley. This is Daniel’s story – obviously by the title you figured that out – and he is the son of Cameron who we read about in The Many Sins of Lord Cameron. Daniel has grown up and he’s a charmer. He’s a wonderful man with a good head on his shoulders. He’s highly intelligent and enjoys those who share his sense of wonder with the world. He meets Violet who is basically a confidence woman. Her and her mother travel around supposedly contacting those on the other side for people. They can’t really contact them but they do a great show and make money doing it. Daniel figures Violet out from minute one but he’s fascinated by her brain and attracted to her beauty. When she disappears he decides to follow and doesn’t plan on ever letting her go. It was a sweet story and I loved Daniel. He was so kind and calm with Violet who had been used and abused in a previous life and I loved how he took care of her – how he let her be herself which she needed so desperately. Just a great book. 4 out of 5
My Book Binge reviews that posted last week:
Never Entice an Earl by Lily Dalton
Happy Reading!