Tag: Holly Says

Meljean Brook Contest and A Poll

Meljean Brook Contest and A Poll

The lovely Meljean Brook has promised me exclusive rights to a certain Hellhound (*coughSirPupcough*) if I tell you about this great First Blood contest she’s hosting (What? That’s how I remember it happening). So here you go: The “I’ve never tried Meljean Brook’s Guardian series but I’d like to!” FIRST BLOOD giveaway* *Or, for some, […]

Please Note: Contest Now Open To All Readers

Sorry for any confusion this causes, but our FREAKING BIG SHOMI CONTEST is now available to international readers as well as residents in the US and Canada. Go forth and enter. XOXO Holly, Casee and Rowena

Nancy Drew Week

Want to take a trip down memory lane? Carolyn Jean is hosting Nancy Drew week over at The Thrillionth Page. She’s really put a lot of thought and effort into it so far, too. Go check it out, she’s doing giveaways, has surprise interviews and honestly is making me nostalgic. :0) Nancy Drew Week at […]

Nora Roberts Does Author Talk

These videos are absolutely hilarious, but this one is probably the funniest yet. When Rosie and I had lunch last weekend (hee hee) she was telling me about it and I just had to share. That reminds me, I have something else to share with you that I got from my lunch with Rosie. I’ll […]

Shomi Love

Shomi Love

I’m very much a “comfort zone” reader. It takes a lot to get me to move out of my comfort zone of favorite authors/sub-genres. This year I told myself it was time to break away from that and try new things. I’ve had some success with that. I’ve tried some new-to-me authors and read a […]