Main Character: Celeste Parker
Love Interest: Brandon Maddox
Author: Website|Facebook|Twitter|Goodreads
Beware of a kiss under the full moon. It will change your life forever.
Celeste Parker is used to hearing scary stories about werewolves—Legend’s Run is famous for them. She’s used to everything in the small town until Brandon Maddox moves to Legend’s Run and Celeste finds herself immediately drawn to the handsome new student. But when, after an unnerving visit with a psychic, she encounters a pack of wolves and gorgeous, enigmatic Brandon, she must discover whether his transformation is more than legend or just a trick of the shadows in the moonlight.
Her best friends may never forgive her if she gives up her perfect boyfriend, Nash, for Brandon, who’s from the wrong side of town. But she can’t deny her attraction or the strong pull he has on her. Brandon may be Celeste’s hero, or he may be the most dangerous creature she could encounter in the woods of Legend’s Run.
Psychic predictions, generations-old secrets, a town divided, and the possibility of falling in love with a hot and heroic werewolf are the perfect formula for what happens . . . once in a full moon.
When I first read the blurb of this book, I thought it sounded good and it even started off good but as the chapters wore on and I got to know Celeste Parker and her friends, I started to not care about Celeste Parker and her friends. This book is told through Celeste’s point of view and all throughout the book, she reminded me of Bella Swan from the Twilight series and let me just tell you….I hated Bella Swan! I didn’t hate her in Twilight, of course…it wasn’t until later on that I began to detest her and there were plenty of times throughout this book that Celeste reminded me of Bella.
This book follows Celeste as she starts falling in love with the new kid at school, Brandon Maddox. Brandon is a loner who keeps to himself but Celeste feels inexplicably drawn to him and she can’t get him out of her mind. Most of it all started when Celeste and her friends go to a psychic and get their fortunes told. Celeste’s fortune was eery and pretty intense and as she goes on about her life, her fortune starts coming true…literally.
Her relationship with Nash (her boyfriend) is pretty much over when she finds a girl from school hanging all over him and while my initial thought when that happened was, “Finally!” I wasn’t at all happy with the way that things ended between them. You see, Celeste is the main character in this book and usually the heroines are strong willed or at the very least strong but I didn’t get that at all when I was reading this book with Celeste. To me, she was weak and I just couldn’t sympathize with her at all.
She’s drawn to Brandon, hell, she’s even admitted that she’s in love with him but she refuses to tell her friends about her relationship with him like she’s embarrassed about him or something. I understood that your friends don’t need to know every stinking detail but they should at least know that you harbor feelings for Brandon especially since these friends are supposed to be your best friends. And speaking of her friends, I hated them. Every single last one of them but of her friends, I hated Abby the least. I hated her best friend Ivy the most because she was the most judgmental and snobby person I’d ever read about.
I’m not quite sure why this story didn’t excite me the way that some other werewolf stories do but it didn’t. I’m starting to wonder if I even like werewolves because I hated Jacob in the Twilight series as well and he’s a werewolf…but it’s not that I hated the werewolves in this book, they just weren’t very memorable. I liked them fine but I wasn’t like OMG I LOVE ME SOME WEREWOLF or BITE ME WOLF BOY! or anything like that. It was more like, “Oh okay, you’re a werewolf, okay, next…”
Overall, the story isn’t bad. It’s actually good but it’s not very memorable. The characters don’t jump out at me and to be honest, I spent more time being annoyed with them than anything (the main character mostly). I really liked Brandon Maddox but outside of him, even at the end, Celeste just missed her mark with me. Too much getting on my nerves for her to come back from that and I couldn’t understand why everyone was so interested in her. I didn’t feel like there was anything spectacular about her to warrant both of her boys chasing after her the way that they did. Most of the time, it was perplexing.
So while I did like it, that’s it. I just liked it, I liked getting to know Brandon Maddox but aside from him, there wasn’t much for me to enjoy. Just a whole lot of teenagers getting on my hot damn nerves.
..and that’s your scoop!
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