Tag: Avon

Guest Review: A Kiss at Midnight by Eloisa James

Guest Review: A Kiss at Midnight by Eloisa James

Ames’ review of A Kiss at Midnight by Eloisa James. Miss Kate Daltry doesn’t believe in fairy tales . . . or happily ever after. Forced by her stepmother to attend a ball, Kate meets a prince . . . and decides he’s anything but charming. A clash of wits and wills ensues, but they […]

Guest Review: Anything But Sweet by Candis Terry

Guest Review: Anything But Sweet by Candis Terry

Change is never easy and even though most of us like to think of ourselves as open to change in some degree, when presented with the fact, that is something altogether different.  So it was with the hero in this really wonderful contemporary romance novel.  A man deeply hurt, grieving over the loss of special […]

Guest Author (+ a Giveaway): Interview with Alexander Stavros by Sara Fawkes

Guest Author (+ a Giveaway): Interview with Alexander Stavros by Sara Fawkes

INTERVIEW WITH ALEXANDER STAVROS (“Fling: A BDSM Erotica Anthology“) by Sara Fawkes There are some vacations one doesn’t tell their conservative parents about. The Mancusi Resort is an island paradise on the Mediterranean Sea just off the coast of Italy. It is one of the premier vacation spots for those looking to get away from […]

Guest Review: The Trouble With Being a Duke by Sophie Barnes

Guest Review:  The Trouble With Being a Duke by Sophie Barnes

The Spirit of Cinderella lives in this delightful and engaging historical romance, not withstanding the fact that there is a back story that is not readily apparent and one that complicates matters far more than the main characters realize at first.  It that greater depth that doesn’t emerge until later in the story and until […]

Review: It Happened One Midnight by Julie Anne Long

Posted June 25, 2013 by Tracy in Reviews | Tagged: , , , , | 1 Comment
Review: It Happened One Midnight by Julie Anne Long

More than one beautiful woman’s hopes have been dashed on the rocky shoals of Jonathan Redmond’s heart. With his riveting good looks and Redmond wealth and power, the world is his oyster—until an ultimatum from his father and a chilling gypsy prophesy send him hurtling headlong toward a fate he’ll do anything to avoid: matrimony. […]