Tag: 4.0 Reviews

Joint Review: Overnight Sensation by Sarina Bowen

Joint Review: Overnight Sensation by Sarina Bowen

Jason Castro is known as a playboy off the ice, and he’s content with that. He isn’t interested in getting heavy with someone. He and Heidi, the new intern, have been circling each other for months. He knows she wants him, but he’s held back until now. He finally decides to go for it and […]

Review: Kept by Maya Banks

Review: Kept by Maya Banks

Kept is the final book in the Enforcers trilogy. I’m a little disappointed that it’s a trilogy because I would love to read Maddox and Justice’s stories. They featured prominently in this trilogy so I was very surprised that they didn’t get their own books. Still, I would have been more surprised had Silas not […]

Review: Lake Silence by Anne Bishop

Posted February 12, 2019 by Holly in Reviews | Tagged: , , , , , , | 6 Comments
Review: Lake Silence by Anne Bishop

Like many others, I was disappointed when I realized Lake Silence was going to be set in the world of The Others, but wouldn’t feature any of my favorite characters from the Lakeside Courtyard. While there is a passing mention of some of the characters, this novel features a new cast. Soon enough I was […]

Guest Review: How to Run with a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper

Guest Review: How to Run with a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper

Anna is getting off work at the grocery story in a small town in Alaska when she hears arguing – then a gunshot…then the shooter who is trying to get away runs into her Pinto and it blows up.  Not the way she wanted to end her work day!  She goes to see if anyone […]

Guest Review: Kiss the Girl by Tara Sivec

Guest Review: Kiss the Girl by Tara Sivec

Ariel is part owner of the Naughty Princess Club.  It’s a stripping business that’s doing very well.  The other two partners, Cindy and Belle, are stripping constantly, but Ariel hasn’t exactly found her stripping mojo yet. Ariel had been married and her ex-husband turned out to be a complete bastard.  He’d taken Ariel’s self-confidence and […]