How to Run with a Naked Werewolf (Naked Werewolf #3) by Molly Harper
Series: Naked Werewolf #3
Also in this series: How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf (Naked Werewolf, #1), How to Run with a Naked Werewolf
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, Pocket Books
Publication Date: December 31, 2013
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Point-of-View: First Person
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Pages: 352
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Series Rating:

Down, Boy
Anna Moder has just witnessed a shooting, seen her car pulverized, and rescued a wounded stranger only to discover he's really a werewolf. And by her recent standards, things are actually looking up. Lycanthropes don't faze Anna. Doctoring a wolf pack outside Grundy, Alaska, is the closest thing to home life she's known in years. But hitching a ride to Anchorage with long-absent pack member Caleb Graham that's a risk. Part of her itches to whack his nose with a newspaper. The rest is trying unsuccessfully to keep her own paws off every delicious inch of him.
The problem is, Caleb employs his lupine tracking abilities as a not quite-legal bounty hunter, and Anna is suspicious of both him and his profession. On the run from her past, with old problems closing in, she'd like to stay far, far away from anybody with connections to the law. Caleb, however, seems determined to keep her close. Are his intentions noble, or is he working a more predatory angle?
Anna's been dreaming of returning to a semi-normal life, but now she's experiencing a strange new urge . . . to join Caleb in running with the wolves.
Anna is getting off work at the grocery story in a small town in Alaska when she hears arguing – then a gunshot…then the shooter who is trying to get away runs into her Pinto and it blows up. Not the way she wanted to end her work day! She goes to see if anyone is hurt (you know, because of the gunshot) and finds a wounded man. She manages to get him into her car and starts driving. She can’t go to her hotel because police will probably be investigating, and she can’t talk to cops because she’s on the run. When she finds a hotel and helps the wounded man inside, she starts to realize that there’s something about him that she’s familiar with – he’s a werewolf.
Anna is very familiar with werewolves as she’s been a werewolf pack doctor for the past four years. Not just a pack, but the pack that includes this man’s family members. She doesn’t tell him right away that she knows who and what he is but when he agrees to take her to Anchorage if she’ll help him with some of his bounty hunting jobs, she agrees.
Caleb takes random jobs throughout the area – some legal, some not. Anna isn’t thrilled with the thought of some of these people getting “taken in” for minor issues so as she becomes Caleb’s assistant, she directs the jobs. When she finds out that Caleb might know more about her than she thinks, she takes off. Caleb, however, isn’t about to let the woman who is his mate get away from him now that he’s found her.
This was a cute book. I’ve recently discovered a love of Molly Harper books and this one proved to be just as good as the others. I didn’t want to read this series originally – probably because the cartoon cover and title threw me off a bit. Fortunately I got past that, and what was inside the cartoon cover was worth reading.
Caleb and Anna were great together. I really liked that Harper made Anna wary of Caleb for quite a long time. A woman who is on the run isn’t someone who trusts easily, and Harper didn’t make her accept Caleb too quickly and that worked for me. For Caleb’s part we only saw him from Anna’s POV, which was frustrating. I would have loved to have gotten inside Caleb’s head to see what was going on in there. He was a good guy who didn’t have a great job. He was good at it, and it definitely paid the bills, but he didn’t love it. Having Anna with him changed his outlook on the job, I think, and I loved that.
Overall it was a good read and one I enjoyed. If you haven’t picked up a Molly Harper book yet, you should. I read a couple of books of hers before, but they didn’t hit me right at the time. I recommend this series, the Mystic Bayou series and the Southern Eclectic series to start – all really good.
Rating: 4 out of 5
Naked Werewolf

If Anna’s car blew up, how could she get the hero into it and drive away? I’m confused!
Good catch, Kareni! It should have said she got him into HIS car. ♀️ Sorry!