Reading Challenge: Holly's 2019 GoodReads Challenge

Summer Reading Challenge Review: The Duke of Shadows by Meredith Duran

Summer Reading Challenge Review: The Duke of Shadows by Meredith Duran

I remember when The Duke of Shadows by Meredith Duran was first released. There was much fanfare and everyone seemed to love it. I often have bad luck when it comes to books everyone else loves, so I put off reading it. Years went by and, though it’s been sitting in my TBR pile for […]

Review: Untamed Delights by Suzanne Wright

Review: Untamed Delights by Suzanne Wright

Untamed Delights is the final book in Suzanne Wright’s Phoenix Pack series. I’m sad to see the end of it, but I’m looking forward to seeing what comes next from Wright. I’ve been anxiously awaiting Dom’s book. He’s the one who constantly tossed cheesy lines at all the women in previous books, but you could […]

Review: Most Valuable Playboy by Lauren Blakely

Review: Most Valuable Playboy by Lauren Blakely

Most Valuable Playboy is the first book in Lauren Blakely‘s Ballers and Babes series. I listened to the prequel novella last week, which is told solely from Violet, the heroine’s, point of view. This is told solely from Cooper’s point of view. This is an Audible Escape (formerly the Audible Romance Package) find. It was […]

Summer Reading Challenge Review: Long Shot by Kennedy Ryan

Summer Reading Challenge Review: Long Shot by Kennedy Ryan

Long Shot by Kennedy Ryan is the first book in the Hoops series. It won a RITA in 2019. This was a very difficult book to read. I understand why it won. This is an emotionally charged novel. It left me feeling emotionally wrung out. Trigger Warning: There was a lot of abuse on page, […]

Buddy Review: Beginner’s Luck by Kate Clayborn

Buddy Review: Beginner’s Luck by Kate Clayborn

Beginner’s Luck by Kate Clayborn is the first book in her Chance of a Lifetime series. This series follows three friends who bought a lottery ticket together on a whim..and won. The first book follows Kit Averin, a scientist who bought a house to make a home for herself since she grew up without any […]