All Bite, No Growl by Jenika Snow
Series: Out for You
Also in this series: The Changing Years
Publisher: All Romance eBooks
Publication Date: June 1, 2015
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Forget the foreplay. For the truly committed, it’s all bite.
Willow has loved Devon and Case for as long as she can remember, but as lion shifters they will eventually find their mates. When she allows herself to be with her two lions after a drunken party, she fears she’s ruined a lifelong friendship and flees before morning.
Devon and Case have been inseparable since they could walk, but they can’t tell anyone that they are mates. The pride of shifters they belong to won’t accept a same-sex mating. There’s no way they’ll accept their love for Willow?
When a shocking revelation brings Willow’s world crashing down, she has no choice but to tell Devon and Case how she feels. Will they be able to accept what fate has thrown at them? Do they want to?
Tracy’s review of All Bite, No Growl (Out for You series) by Jenika Snow
Case, Devon and Willow have all been best friends since they were five years old. Now they’re 18 and life is changing. They are all lion shifters and can recognize their mate as early as age 16. With Case and Devon they found out really early but never told anyone. They act like best friends in public but never share their real feelings for each other.
One night after Willow had had too much alcohol at a party she spends the night at Case’s house (his parents are out of town) and wakes up in the middle of the night to get a drink. When she hears grunts and groans she investigates and finds Case and Devon making love. She knows it’s an invasion of their privacy but she’s so turned on by the two men she can’t pull herself away. The men, of course, know she’s there and soon invite her to join them. She’s been in love with the two men for years and as much as she wants to be in bed with them she knows it will change their friendship. She finally agrees and much sexin ensues. Case and Devon love her and want to be with her as well but after that night Willow feels like she’s intruding.
Willow’s family issues and Case and Devon’s decision to come out to their lion council take them away from each other. When they reunite they find that not only do they want to be together, fate wants them together as well.
This was a cute story but one that unfortunately I did have some issues with. The story itself was interesting and showed a lovely bond between the three main characters. Unfortunately, as the story was so short, we didn’t get to learn too much about any of them. With Case and Devon it was all about their being together (before Willow came into the picture) and coming out. With Willow we got to know her family a little bit but not much else. I wish we could have gotten just a touch more info on all of them.
There were also quite a few editing problems in this one and it threw me out of the story every time – especially when Case was, at one point, referred to as Sam. Crazy.
Overall a cute yet sexy short story.
Rating: 2.5/3 out of 5
This title is available from ARe. You can buy it here in e-format. This book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.