Genre: Paranormal Romance

Review: Crystal Cove by Lisa Kleypas

Review: Crystal Cove by Lisa Kleypas

I didn’t enjoy this book as much as the previous Friday Harbor novels, but I still felt it was a strong read. I found myself becoming frustrated with the characters toward the middle of the book. I felt there needed to be a lot more groveling on the part of the hero once his big […]

Guest Review: Hunter Reborn by Katie Reus

Guest Review: Hunter Reborn by Katie Reus

Tracy’s review of Hunter Reborn (Moon Shifter #5) by Katie Reus It’s been 60 years that Aiden has been mourning the death of his bondmate, Larissa. He’s never gotten over her death and even after all of the years that have passed thinks of her daily. When he and his packmates are at a club […]

Guest Review: Marked by Rebecca Zanetti

Guest Review: Marked by Rebecca Zanetti

Pararnormals aren’t really my thing, especially when they involve vampires. (This dislike probably has something to do with my general aversion to the whole blood sucking thing and being totally creeped out by Interview with a Vampire as a kid. Don’t ask.) But I know there are many, many devoted PNR fans out there, so […]

Guest Review: Light My Fire by G.A. Aiken

Guest Review: Light My Fire by G.A. Aiken

  The trouble with humans is that they’re far too sensitive. Forget you put a woman in the local jail for a few months – and she takes it so personally! And yet she is the one trying to assassinate the queen. And now I’m trapped with Elina Shestakova of the Black Bear Riders of […]

Review: Heart Fire by Robin D. Owens

Review: Heart Fire by Robin D. Owens

Antenn and Tiana! I’ve waiting for this book for years and years. We first met Antenn back at the very beginning of the series, in Heart Mate. He and his brother were downwind boys who joined a gang. Antenn’s brother merged with two other boys to become a triad who shared thoughts and power, and he […]