Genre: Paranormal Romance

Guest Review: Bluebeard’s Curse by Regine Abel

Guest Review: Bluebeard’s Curse by Regine Abel

Eric is tired of getting married.  He’s at a ball and he has to pick a new bride – his 28th bride to be exact.  All of his previous brides have died as he is cursed.  The bride must outlast the curse for 1 year and then it will be broken but so far the […]

Retro Review: Demon Angel by Meljean Brook

Retro Review: Demon Angel by Meljean Brook

As part of our 10 year anniversary celebration, we’ll be re-posting old reviews that make us cringe, laugh or sigh all over again. Man, I miss Meljean Brook. Per her website, she’s still writing, but things are going slooow. We haven’t had a new release from her in way too long. Demon Angel isn’t my […]

Review: Power Game by Christine Feehan

Review: Power Game by Christine Feehan

Bella has lived her life at the mercy of Peter Whitney. During a mission to discover if one of her fellow GhostWalkers is actually selling them out, Bella uncovers the unthinkable. Violet Smythe is trying to sell them out. Not only sell them out but eradicate them from the face of the earth. While that […]

DNF Review: Malsum Pass by Kimberly Forrest

DNF Review: Malsum Pass by Kimberly Forrest

I was in the mood for a paranormal so I picked Malsum Pass up after Tracy reviewed it here, even though she didn’t love it. I should have paid better attention to her review, because I couldn’t even finish it. The premise was good and I liked the heroine, her family and the town of Malsum […]

Guest Review: The Game by Angie West

Guest Review: The Game by Angie West

Lei Guthrie is having a horrible day.  She did save an old lady from getting hit by a bus but then the old lady told her she was psychic and that Lei was going to die if she didn’t prevent it.  Ooookay.  Weird.  Since Lei had thrown down her shopping bags when she saved the […]