Genre: Contemporary Romance

Review: Keepsake by Sarina Bowen

Review: Keepsake by Sarina Bowen

I listened to this book on audio. I’ve really enjoyed listening to the series. The narrators have switched up and they’ve all been pretty good. Keepsake is a book about survivors. Both Zachariah and Lark survived different kinds of hell. Zach was in a cult as a child and young adult. He finally escaped, but […]

Review: Rock Wedding by Nalini Singh

Review: Rock Wedding by Nalini Singh

I think this book was my least favorite of the series. I can’t put my finger on why exactly. From the beginning, I was just like wtf?!?!?! Sarah married Abe the same night she met him (actually, I can’t remember if that is what happened). They met in a bar. Unfortunately, Abe has a huge […]

Review: Rock Redemption by Nalini Singh

Review: Rock Redemption by Nalini Singh

This book made me extremely emotional. I can honestly say that I was not expecting that at all. Kit was fairly interesting from Rock Addiction, but I wasn’t really looking forward to her book. She did actually turn out to be my favorite heroine in the Rock Kiss series. I just adored her. I adored […]

Review: Fireworks by Sarina Bowen

Review: Fireworks by Sarina Bowen

I’m not sure how she does it but Sarina Bowen wrote another winner for me. I’m really enjoying this series and each book just keeps entertaining the socks right off of me. Fireworks follows Benito Rossi as he finally reunites with the one that got away and tries to get things right this time around. […]

Sunday Spotlight: Fireworks by Sarina Bowen

Sunday Spotlight: Fireworks by Sarina Bowen

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 Sarina Bowen is releasing another True North book and if you’ve been paying attention to the blog lately, you will have […]