Format: eARC

Review: Brazen and the Beast by Sarah MacLean

Review: Brazen and the Beast by Sarah MacLean

Brazen and the Beast is the second book in the Bareknuckle Bastards series by Sarah MacLean and it’s been getting great early reviews from all over so I was pretty excited to read it. I’m even more stoked that I agree with all of the early reviews. This book was fantastic and I absolutely adored […]

Review: Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews

Review: Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews

This book is the bridge between Nevada’s story and Catalina’s story. I wasn’t sure I would really like Catalina. She was okay, but Nevada and Arabella are my favorite, followed by Leon. I’m happy to say that I was wrong. Catalina was a breath of fresh air. I’m really looking forward to continuing this series. […]

Guest Review: Not the Duke’s Darling by Elizabeth Hoyt

Guest Review: Not the Duke’s Darling by Elizabeth Hoyt

Freya de Moray is a member of the Wise Women. A lot of people think of these wise women as witches, but they’re not. Of course there is a group of witch hunters which are called Dunkelders and they chase down wise women. Of course. Let me just stop right there and tell you that […]

Review: Dark Illusion by Christine Feehan

Review: Dark Illusion by Christine Feehan

This is book number thirty three in Feehan’s Dark series. It’s amazing to me that she can keep it fresh most of the time. I enjoyed this book more than the last few of the series. The next book promises to be just as good. Julija Brennan carries the mark of a high mage. She […]

Guest Review: The Blacksmith Queen by G.A. Aiken

Guest Review: The Blacksmith Queen by G.A. Aiken

Keeley is a blacksmith and loves what she does.  She comes from a long line of female blacksmiths and doesn’t plan on ever doing anything else. She has a large loving family and loves taking care of them as well.  When she finds out that her bookish (and she feels, not too smart) younger sister, […]