Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella
Publisher: Dial Press
Publication Date: May 13th 2014
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 464
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Lottie just knows that her boyfriend is going to propose, but then his big question involves a trip abroad — not a trip down the aisle. Completely crushed, Lottie reconnects with an old flame, and they decide to take drastic action. No dates, no moving in together, they’ll just get married . . . right now. Her sister, Fliss, thinks Lottie is making a terrible mistake, and will do anything to stop her. But Lottie is determined to say “I do,” for better, or for worse.
I’m a fan of Sophie Kinsella’s work so going into this book, I was pretty excited. I loved Can You Keep a Secret? and her last book, I’ve Got Your Number. Both books had me bent over at the waist, laughing my guts out but I can’t say the same for this one.
This book wasn’t the worst book ever but it was really slow to pick up for me. The beginning dragged and the middle picked up some but it still took me a long time to get into the story. And when I finally did get into the story, a lot of things made me roll my eyes and sigh.
Lottie is dating Richard and when Richard brings up going on a special dinner, Lottie thinks he’s going to propose and when that turns out to not be the truth, she flees the scene and dumps Richard as well. Lottie is depressed and does what any sane woman would do after a heartbreaking break up (not really). She marries her old boyfriend from many, many years ago. That whole thing didn’t come off the way that I’m sure the author wanted it to come off for the reader. As insane but in a funny way. I thought this was completely dumb.
To make matters worst, Lottie’s sister Fliss (short for Felicity) comes up with the plan to break up the marriage by flying to Ikonos to put a stop to all of the madness. And she stops the madness by hiring her friend at the hotel Lottie is staying at to create diversion after diversion so that Lottie and Ben (the new husband) can’t have sex. If they don’t consummate the marriage, they can get an annulment and an annulment will save Lottie from the heartbreak and bitterness that Fliss is drowning in (being divorced and miserable as she is). Fliss meets up with Ben’s best man Lorcan, who is a guy that Ben doesn’t even like (because he was jealous of Lorcan’s relationship with his late father) and they both intend to fix the mess that Ben and Lottie find themselves in. The only problem with that is Lottie and Ben don’t to end the marriage. And both Fliss and Lorcan have different reasons for wanting to break up the marriage.
Getting to know all of the characters in this story made me want to wring someone’s neck. I mean, the situations that they found themselves in (both Lottie and Fliss), the decisions they made, the crap they jumped into – it all made me want to punch a wall or something. But there were times when I laughed and the ending really made up for the rest of the book. I liked the ending and I’m glad that I stuck with it but the ending only saved me from giving this book a 1. While I ended up liking the characters in the end, getting there was a lot of work and came with a lot of frustrations.
Grade: 2.5 out of 5
This book is available from Pocket Books. You can buy it here or here in e-format. This book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.