Author: Karen Rose

Review: Count to Ten by Karen Rose

Review: Count to Ten by Karen Rose

Count to Ten is the sixth book in Karen Rose’s Romantic Suspense series and the first book that I’ve ever read by Rose. I don’t know what I was expecting when I jumped into this book but whatever, I liked this one. This was a book club read and if you guys know anything about […]

Review: Say You’re Sorry by Karen Rose

Review: Say You’re Sorry by Karen Rose

I started and listened to most of this book on audio. The narrator was simply awful. That was a huge disappointment because the narrator of Monster in the Closet was amazing. Even with that, I hung in like a champ because I really wanted to listen to it at work. I ended up reading the […]

Sunday Spotlight: Say You’re Sorry by Karen Rose

Sunday Spotlight: Say You’re Sorry by Karen Rose

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 Karen Rose is one of those authors. You know the one. The one that gets better with every release. I have […]

Blog Tour Review: Monster in the Closet by Karen Rose

Blog Tour Review: Monster in the Closet by Karen Rose

In anticipation of the release of her new book, Death is Not Enough, I am here to remind you why we love Karen Rose! She is my all-time favorite romantic suspense author. There is no one better than she. I loved her from the moment I read Don’t Tell and she has gotten even better […]

Review: Alone in the Dark by Karen Rose

Review: Alone in the Dark by Karen Rose

Karen Rose is amazing. Don’t let the 736 pages put you off. I read this book in two days. I would have read it in one, but I had a migraine. Even that barely stopped me from reading it. Rose has a way of sucking you into her world and not spitting you out until […]