Category: Giveaways

Book Binge Turns 10: January Giveaway

Book Binge Turns 10: January Giveaway

2017 is the year that Book Binge turns ten years old. This blog has been a true labor of love for both Holly and myself. We have learned much about ourselves, each other and our love of books has grown with each passing year because of this blog. One thing that has not changed is […]

Sunday Spotlight: Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison

Sunday Spotlight: Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be  raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 I remember receiving Dragon Bound in the mail some months before it was published. I read it in a matter of […]

Monthly Reads: December 2016

Monthly Reads: December 2016

Casee: I read one, you read that right, one book. Which is better than November when I read none books. That’s right. None books. I’m praying that 2017 goes much better than the end of 2016. Justice Ascending by Rebecca Zanetti | 4.5 It was my favorite book of the month. Holly: December seemed to […]

Sunday Spotlight: Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood

Sunday Spotlight: Honor’s Splendour by Julie Garwood

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we started in 2016 and we’re going to keep the party going in 2017. This year, we’ll be spotlighting our favorite books each week. Old or new, if it’s on our favorites list than it will be featured on the blog. Beware, there will be loads of fangirling going on. […]

Sunday Spotlight: Moonshadow by Thea Harrison

Sunday Spotlight: Moonshadow by Thea Harrison

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we’re running in 2016. Each week, we will spotlight a release we’re excited about. We’ll be posting excerpts and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 Thea Harrison’s Elder Races series is set in the Modern Day world where mythical and fantastical creatures truly exist. Like the real world, the […]