Category: Giveaways

Summer Binge Contest

Summer Binge Contest

There’s nothing I love better than summer. Even living in Southern Cali where temps can soar into the mid 100’s, I still love it. I love the sunshine, the trips to the beach, the BBQ’s, the fireworks, moonlit walks on hot summer nights and reading. Is there anything better than laying by the pool with […]

Summer Binge Contest Update

Posted June 29, 2007 by Holly in Giveaways | Tagged: , , | 4 Comments

Silly me. When I set the dates for the Summer Binge Contest I wasn’t really thinking about what DAYS those dates were. The1st, as I’ve come to realize, is a Sunday. My plan was to overnight the books to the winner, but now that I think about it, I’d have to mail them Monday for […]

The LURVE Train

The LURVE Train

I love Meljean Brook, but even more than that, I luuuurrrve me some Colin. So, naturally I want him nominated. 😉 Dear People Magazine, Every November, you come out with your “Sexiest Man Alive” issue; every spring, you print your list of the “World’s Most Beautiful People.” But in 2007 — for the last two […]

Revised: Book Binge Says Happy Mothers Day with a Contest!

Posted May 10, 2007 by Rowena in Giveaways | Tagged: | 6 Comments
Revised: Book Binge Says Happy Mothers Day with a Contest!

This is a sticky post. Please scroll down to see our regularly scheduled programming Alrighty ladies, Since it’s almost Mother’s Day, we thought it’d be nice to do something special for those mothers out there who stop by here to read our blog. It’s our way of thanking you all for stopping by and reading […]

Welcome to Our New Home!

Welcome to Our New Home!

This is a sticky. Please scroll down to see our regularly scheduled programming. Thank you Holly, Isabel and myself used to post for Sanctuary’s Finest. But sometimes, a fresh start is in order and we felt that we needed a fresh start. So now you can find us here at Book Binge where we’ll talk […]