Category: Features

What I’ve Been Reading This Week

What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Hello again! I’ve read some really great books this week. I’ve been horrible about posting reviews and need to do more, I know. As much as I’ve loved the books I’m reading I’ve just not been able to get in the review typing mode. I’ll be better soon, I swear. I started my week off […]

Author Spotlight: Poll Question #2: Your Favorite JM Couple.

Author Spotlight: Poll Question #2: Your Favorite JM Couple.

Today’s poll question is about our favorite Judith McNaught Couple. Which couple is your absolute favorite and why? There are plenty of couples to choose one and I know that for me, it’ll be hecka hard to pick just one favorite, but we want you to try. Rowena: My favorite couple would have to be…ugh, […]

Booking Through Thursday: Book Taste

Have your book-tastes changed over the years? More fiction? Less? Books that are darker and more serious? Lighter and more frivolous? Challenging? Easy? How-to books over novels? Mysteries over Romance? Casee: My book tastes have definitely changed over the years. I still read almost all romance, but I don’t mind if it’s mixed with something […]

Author Spolight: Judith McNaught, An Excerpt.

Author Spolight: Judith McNaught, An Excerpt.

Let’s take a moment to reminisce through our favorite JM books, shall we? Remember this? Trying to think of the best way to explain, Alexandra ran a shaky hand through her dark curls and Jordan’s gaze lifted, watching the unconscious grace of her gesture—really studying her for the first time. Sunlight glinted in her hair, […]

Author Spotlight: Poll Question #1: Your First JM.

Author Spotlight: Poll Question #1: Your First JM.

Rowena: Judith McNaught was the first romance author that I’ve ever tried so she holds a special place in my romantic heart. She’s the first author that I picked up to start my romance reading adventure in and I’ll never forget my first Judith McNaught book and that book will forever hold a special place […]