Category: Discussions

Preconceived Notions: Can you let them go?

Holly: A few weeks ago, Rosie posted something about being an Ageist. Basically? That she’s extremely discriminate when it comes to the ages of the characters in the novels she reads. I admit, I’m guilty of this as well. My preferred ages for heroines range from 18 – 25 for historicals and 23-32 for contemporaries. […]

Book Confessions

Posted March 25, 2008 by Holly in Discussions | Tagged: , , , , , | 18 Comments
Book Confessions

Today, Wena and I (Holly) are going to going confess some of our reading sins quirks. Feel free to do the same in either the comments section or your own blog. They say Confession is good for the soul, right? Holly: 1. Unless I’m reading a series book (like the Study Series by Maria V. […]

Books Set In the Islands?

Books Set In the Islands?

  Being of Polynesian decent, I was wondering if anyone out there knows of any books set in the islands. (Hawaii, Samoa, Tahiti, Tonga, those islands)  I’d like to read a book where either the hero or the heroine has some Polynesian blood in them and I can’t find any that feature them.  Can anyone […]

I’m Home!!

And tired and ready for a week long vacation to recover from all the running around we did. I’ll be posting about my wedding/honeymoon on my personal blog over the next few days, so if you’re interested, feel free to stop by. As for this blog, can you believe I only read one book my […]