Category: Discussions

White Out by Linda Howard

This isn’t a review. It’s more like “How the eff did I miss this one?” post. I thought that I had read every Linda Howard book. I thought I had re-read every Linda Howard book except Heart of Fire at least twice. Imagine my surprise yesterday when I realized that I had never read White […]

I didn’t copy her, I swear

Posted January 18, 2009 by Casee in Discussions | Tagged: , , , | 6 Comments

Sometimes, Holly and I think so alike that it is like we’re one person. It’s kind of spooky. So I’m not surprised that we’re both Dedicated Readers. What Kind of Reader Are You? Your Result: Dedicated Reader You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that […]

I Need Help!

I Need Help!

A few months ago my neighbor invited me to join her book club. Approximately 10 ladies (all teachers or former teachers) get together to discuss various books. My first month we discussed Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. The month after we discussed The Road by Cormac McCarthy (what a dark, depressing read). This month we’re discussing […]

Do you keep track of how much you read?

Posted January 5, 2009 by Casee in Discussions | Tagged: , , | 25 Comments

I love spreadsheets. I use spreadsheets for everything. When my family moves, I create a spreadsheet for each room, closet, and drawer. I track when I’m going to pack it and how long it’s going to take. I’m an organization freak. So it seems unlikely that 2008 is the first year that I actually kept […]

Vote For Us??

We’ve been nominated for Best Review Site in the Preditors & Editors Reader Polls! Isn’t that awesome? Will you vote for us please? We’re up against some stiff competition, so I’m not sure we’ll win, but we’d really appreciate your votes! VOTE HERE! XOXOX Holly, Casee and Rowena