Author: Holly

Monthly Reads: April 2014

Monthly Reads: April 2014

Holly: April was another strange reading month for me. I read 22 books, but it didn’t feel like I read much at all. I went what felt like ages between books, so I have no idea how my number is so high. Weird. Count on Me by Lauren Dane (re-read) | 4.5 out of 5 […]

Review: The Bottom Line by Sandy James

Review: The Bottom Line by Sandy James

Holly‘s review of The Bottom Line (The Ladies Who Lunch, Book 1) by Sandy James When life gets tough and love is hard to find, four friends take their troubles to lunch. Surviving a failed marriage and an illness that almost takes her life, high school teacher Mallory Hamilton needs the Ladies Who Lunch more […]

Excerpt: The Bottom Line by Sandy James

Excerpt: The Bottom Line by Sandy James

THE BOTTOM LINE by Sandy James (May 6, 2014; Forever Yours E-Book) When life gets tough and love is hard to find, four friends take their troubles to lunch. Surviving a failed marriage and an illness that almost takes her life, high school teacher Mallory Hamilton needs the Ladies Who Lunch more than ever . […]

Guest Author: HelenKay Dimon discusses Mercy

Guest Author: HelenKay Dimon discusses Mercy

Today we have HelenKay Dimon here to discuss her latest release, Mercy.   ~~~~~~~ Hello everyone and thank you to the fabulous women of Book Binge for letting me stop by here today and talk about my new release – out now! – MERCY.   This book is a bit of a throwback for me […]