Back-to-School Giveaway: Day 7 – Traveling Through Time

Posted September 7, 2010 by Holly in Giveaways | 40 Comments

It’s day 7 of our Back-to-School Giveaway. We’re giving away a prize a day this month. Today we’re taking you back in time….

Flirting with ForeverThe Lone TexanIn Scandal They Wed


Flirting With Forever by Gwyn Cready
The Lone Texan by Jodi Thomas
In Scandal they Wed by Sophie Jordan

If you could go back and re-do one year of school, which one would it be? Why?

This is a 1 day contest that runs until 11:59 p.m. tonight. Winners will be announced Sunday

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40 responses to “Back-to-School Giveaway: Day 7 – Traveling Through Time

  1. Ugh, never want to re-live that. Well maybe actually read for those 2 first mathexams, but no way I could live through it. The homework, classes, and long days (and I had no internet!)

  2. Jolene Allcock

    that’s a tough one. I guess my senior year. Maybe concentrate mor on my school work and less on parties and guys. Maybe take back the whole cheating on my ex. I felt really bad about that, but if we never would of broke up, I wouldn’t have met my husband. I think things happen for a reason and I am who I am because of all my experiences. It would be nice to change some things, but I don’t think I would

  3. As much as I loved school, I wouldn’t go back and do any of it over again. My experiences made me who I am today and I actually like that person. 🙂 Plus, I’d hate to go through the awkward teenage years again!

  4. ranearia

    I think it be my sophomore year of HS, I was having alot of trouble with life and started to suffer panic attacks, I think I would have spent time more with my friends and stop worrying about all the crap going wrong in my life and enjoyed all the right, before I went homebound

  5. If I could re-do one year of school, any year, it would be my freshman year of highschool. That really sets the bar for your entire high school carrer (both social and acedemically). I would have stopped trying so hard to hang out with people who weren’t right for me, been more outgoing and accepting of who I am, and I would have stayed focus. I could have been one of the top 5 students in my graduating class if I hadn’t messed up freshman year. (the geek in me rebels!!)

    -And stellar prizes. I would adore the books on the end, been on my list to read for a while (esspecially that sophie jordan) and that texan book in the middle has been recommended to me by lots of people on facebook. Must check out!

  6. I would re-do my senior year of high school. I would like to go through it as the more confident, outgoing, more attractive me that I eventually became in college. I would also choose a better hairstyle! 😉

  7. I was painfully shy and awkward throughout my school years, so I would not like to repeat any of them.
    If I could change my personality and repeat a year then that might work, but I would probably still end up shy and awkward (and miserable) if I did a redo!

  8. Kim

    I think I would re-do my freshman year of college. It’s such a transitional year, that I would make some changes.

  9. goddessani

    Junior year of HS! It was my first year in the States and I met so many people that have stayed friends throughout the years (I moved again senior year). It was just such a fun year for me.

    And I would have kissed sweet Dave H who was too shy to try it himself instead of falling for his friend Mike who broke my heart.

    goddessani at gmail dot com

  10. The first year of High School but only if I could have the whole year this time. Missed a few months at the start of it originally because of spinal injuries.

  11. I think I’d like to redo senior year of high school. This time, I wouldn’t go horseback riding with my sister so I wouldn’t fall off, have a seizure and end up in the emergency room. That knock on the head really changed some wiring in my brain (and just in time for SATs and college, too).


  12. Lu

    I would redo my final year, only because it seems to have gone so quickly! And you get a lot of free time to study (so reading time lol).

    chidoryx AT hotmail DOT com

  13. I might redo my freshman year, because that’s the only time in my life I ever failed a class. Of course, I then took it in summer school and that started a habit of attending summer school and I ended up going to school half day for only half the year my senior year, and graduated in January. So maybe it was a good thing because I got finished with high school sooner.

  14. It would be 12th grade for the simple reason that I went to an all girl’s school and didn’t have a date for prom. Afterwards, I found out that there was a guy that wanted to go with me. Ugh!

  15. I would like to re-do my senior year. I was so wrapped up in my boyfriend (now my husband and I’m SO over that) that I feel I missed out on a lot. Especially time with my friends.

  16. ritu

    My second last year at high school. I had so much fun with my friends – so many extra curricular activities that I did not attend classes at all. And I will not change it! Would like to re-live it.

  17. I would redo my senior year, there were lots of senior parties, I won lots of award, and all my loved ones were still alive.

  18. I did not enjoy scool but if i had to choose one it would be 9th grade.Ithink I would spend more time studying and less time goofing off.

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