Monthly Reads: February 2019

Posted March 4, 2019 by Holly in Features, Giveaways | 9 Comments

February is the month of love and even though Holly isn’t a fan of Valentine’s Day in general, we got in on the love train this month. Here’s what each of us read last month, along with our favorites and least favorite reads of the month.

Casee: February was pretty good for me. About half my books were audiobooks. I honestly have no idea how I used to read 20+ books a month with two small children. It really baffles me. These are my reads for the month:

Rush by Maya Banks | 3.5 out of 5
Sweet Sinful Nights (audiobook) by Lauren Blakely | 3.75 out of 5
Fever by Maya Banks | 1 out of 5
The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie (audiobook) | 4.5 out of 5
Repeat by Kylie Scott (audiobook) | 4.5 out of 5
Burn by Maya Banks | 3.5 out of 5
Keep Me Safe by Maya Banks | 1 out of 5
Cake by J. Bengtsson (audiobook) | 3.75 out of 5
Still Not Over You by Nicole Snow | 2.5 out of 5
Say You’re Sorry by Karen Rose (audiobook) | 4.5 out of 5

My favorite reads of the month were The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie and Say You’re Sorry by Karen Rose. Those two just stuck with me. My very least favorite was Keep Me Safe by Maya Banks followed very closely by Fever by Maya Banks.

Holly: February was a bad reading month for me. I managed to read 15 books, but it felt like it took forever to finish them. Let’s hope March is better.

Dirty by Kylie Scott (audiobook) | 2 out of 5
Ariana by Dylan Ash | 3.25 out of 5
Repeat by Kylie Scott (audiobook) | 5 out of 5
Free by Kristen Ashley | 2 out of 5
Devil’s Daughter by Lisa Kleypas | 4.5 out of 5
Written in Red by Anne Bishop (reread) (audio) | 4.5 out of 5
Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop (reread) (audio) | 4.25 out of 5
Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop (reread) (audio) | 4.5 out of 5
Marked in Flesh by Anne Bishop (reread) (audio) | 4.5 out of 5
Etched in Bone by Anne Bishop (reread) (audio) | 4.5 out of 5
Lake Silence by Anne Bishop (reread) (audio) | 4.25 out of 5
Wild Country by Anne Bishop | 4 out of 5
Sweet Dreams by Kristen Ashley (reread) | 4 out of 5
Fairytale Come Alive by Kristen Ashley (reread) | 4 out of 5
Wild Irish Heart by Tricia O’Malley (audio) | DNF

My favorite read of the month was Repeat by Kylie Scott. That was such a fabulous audiobook. My least favorite read was Dirty by Kylie Scott. I didn’t understand the heroine or why either m/c did what they did.

Rowena: February was a short month and I went almost two weeks without reading anything so I’m not at all surprised that I only read 10 books this month. sigh I’m not freaking out about that or anything because according to Goodreads, I’m still on track to meeting my reading goals so that’s something.

The month started out with some fantastic reads, books that I was anxious to read and I was thrilled that they lived up to the hype that I gave them in my head. Too bad my month ended with some serious WTF did I just read books so that was a bit of a downer. I’ll go into that more below but here’s what I read last month.

Devil’s Daughter (The Ravenels #5) by Lisa Kleypas (eARC) | 4.75 out of 5
Risk, The (Briar U #2) by Elle Kennedy (eARC) | 4.5 out of 5
Assist, The (Smart Jocks #1) by Rebecca Jenshak (eBook) | 3 out of 5
Huge Deal (21 Wall Street #3) by Lauren Layne (eBook) | 5 out of 5
Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie, The (Mckenzies & McBrides #1) by Jennifer Ashley (Audiobook) | 4.25 out of 5
River Marked (Mercy Thompson #6) by Patricia Briggs (eBook) | 4.25 out of 5
Only a Breath Apart by Katie McGarry (eARC) | 4 out of 5
The Kiss Quotient (The Kiss Quotient #1) by Helen Hoang (Audiobook) | 5 out of 5
Bad Bachelor (Bad Bachelors #1) by Stefanie London (eBook) | 3 out of 5
Bad Reputation (Bad Bachelors #2) by Stefanie London (eBook) | 1 out of 5

My favorite reads of the month go to Huge Deal by Lauren Layne, Devil’s Daughter by Lisa Kleypas, and The Risk by Elle Kennedy. Kate and Kennedy were fabulous and I’m still not over Jealous Kennedy and the shouting match they got into at Kennedy’s parents anniversary dinner. Gah, that scene was just fantastic. I also completely loved West and Phoebe, seeing those two come together and seeing West with Phoebe’s kids??? Gah, so much goodness here. Brenna and Jake were just as awesome as I was hoping too so I was a happy camper to start the month off.

My least favorite read of the month goes to the last book that I read, Bad Reputation by Stefanie London. That book was a mess for me. The heroine was so extra in the beginning and all of the mystery surrounding why she was so extra about performing in the hero’s show fell flat for me and then the hero does the douchiest thing that pissed me off but none of that compares to how ragey I got over the whole Bad Bachelor app shit. Grrrr, I’m still pretty angry about that so I DNF’d the last book in the series because…I just can’t.

Giveaway Alert

Three lucky winners will choose their prize (one book) from any of the books we logged this month. If you want to be entered to win, leave a comment on this post telling us what your favorite – and least favorite – reads of the month were.

Monthly Reads: February 2019

So…what was your favorite read of the month? And your least favorite? Use the Gleam Widget to enter! Good luck!

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9 responses to “Monthly Reads: February 2019

  1. Kareni

    One of my fun finds in February was Alex Bledsoe’s Tufa fantasy series; I’m reading the sixth and final volume now.

    I don’t have a least favorite (I tend not to finish those), but I was a bit disappointed by Cooper West’s Mismatched: A Guardsmen Romance Novella which did not quite meet my expectations after so enjoying the author’s other works in this series.

  2. JenM

    My favorite books of the month were The Opposite of Everything by Joshilyn Jackson, and Dark Arts and a Daiquiri by Annette Marie. My least favorite was an anthology called Love Potions. I got it specifically for a short story in Annette Marie’s Guild Codex series, and that story was very good, but I didn’t like any of the other stories in the anthology.

  3. Glenda M

    My favorites were Devil’s Daughter by Lisa Kleypas and the anthology Love by the Letters by Grace Burrowes, Kelly Bowen, and Vanessa Riley. I had a couple false starts I guess is the best description. I started and just couldn’t get into them in the first chapter or 2 and decided to try later.

  4. Celine B

    I didn’t read much in February, but what I read I enjoyed. I guess my favorite was Huge Deal by Lauren Layne, but the first two full-length books and the first two novellas in Jenny Holiday’s Bridesmaids series, Rafe by Rebekah Weatherspoon, the first two Loyal League books by Alyssa Cole, and Professor Feelgood by Leisa Rayven were also good. I did end up not finishing The Tin Man by MK Schiller. I love other books by Schiller, but just wasn’t getting into that one so I suppose that was my least favorite.

  5. Jana Leah

    A Veiled Antiquity by Rett MacPherson was probably my favorite read. Jeanette Grey’s Seven Nights to Surrender was probably my least favorite.

  6. Anita H.

    One of my favorites of the month was Waiting On You by Kristan Higgins. I had started this series long time ago but somehow always managed to skip past this one but I’m glad I decided to read it since I really loved this one. Didn’t have a least favorite as all the books I read was quite good.

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