Monthly Reads: April 2018

Posted May 2, 2018 by Casee in Features, Giveaways | 13 Comments


Casee: April was the best reading month I’ve had in a year. It was amazing. I read FOUR entire books. Yes, FOUR whole books. This is record breaking. My days of reading double digits are over. I’ve accepted that and am peace with it. I’m just happy I read FOUR books. My heart is happy.

Dark Legacy by Christine Feehan | 3 out of 5
Storm Gathering by Rebecca Zanetti | 4.25 out of 5
Winter Igniting by Rebecca Zanetti | 4.75 out of 5
The Thief by J.R. Ward | 4 out of 5

My favorite reads were definitely the Rebecca Zanetti books. I was surprised that Winter Igniting came in before Storm Gathering.

Holly: I feel like I didn’t read anything in April. I was in a weird reading funk and nothing really held my attention. Turns out I managed to read 14 books, which is way more than I thought.

Dragon’s Oath by Sophie Stern | DNF
Snowfall and Secrets by Kimberly Loth | 2.75 out of 5
Natural Mage by K.F. Breene | 4 out of 5
Neanderthal Seeks Human by Penny Reid | 2.75 out of 5
Wildfire by Ilona Andrews (audiobook) | 4.5 out of 5
White Hot by Ilona Andrews (audiobook) | 4.25 out of 5
Prince in Leather by Holley Trent | DNF
The Hellion by Christi Caldwell | 3.5 out of 5
Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews (audiobook) | 4.25 out of 5
Sweep in Peace (audiobook) | 4 out of 5
One Fell Sweep by Ilona Andrews (audiobook) | 4.5 out of 5
Hour of Need by Melinda Leigh (audiobook) | 2.75 out of 5
Ocean Light by Nalini Singh | 3.75- 4 out of 5
Crimes Against Magic by Steve McHugh | 3.5 out of 5

My favorite read of the month was Natural Mage by K.F. Breene. I’m really loving that series. My Least favorite was probably Neanderthal Seeks Human by Penny Reid. I didn’t hate the book, but I had high expectations based on recommendations from those in my trust circle and it didn’t live up to them.

Rowena: April was a junk reading month for me. I only read 6 books. What in the world is going on? The month started off on a bad reading note with the Leila Sales book that I read so maybe that soured me on more books? Who knows, I just hope that May is much better for me on the reading end. Wish me luck!

Here’s what I did read.

If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say by Leila Sales | 1 out of 5
The Hookup (Jordan Brothers #1) by Erin McCarthy | 4 out of 5
Dragon Actually (Dragon Kin #1) by G.A. Aiken | 3 out of 5
Neanderthal Seeks Human (Knitting in the City #1) by Penny Reid | 2.75 out of 5
Hot Asset (21 Wall Street #1) by Lauren Layne | 4.25 out of 5
The Way You Make Me Feel by Maurene Goo | 4 out of 5

My favorite read of the month goes to Hot Asset by Lauren Layne. It had everything that I love in a Lauren Layne novel but also in a romance. Strong characters, a sizzling romance with hella chemistry and supporting characters that keep me thirsty for more. I’m looking forward to the other books that Layne releases for these characters. Kennedy and Kate are going to be great, same with Matt and Sabrina. Woot!

My least favorite read of the month goes to If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say by Leila Sales. The message had the potential to be really good but the delivery didn’t work for me at all. I closed that book with so much rage that I just might give up the author because I’m too scared that I’d get another one of those. Just, no.

This month we’re giving away:

If you want to be entered to win, leave a comment on this post telling us what your favorite – and least favorite – reads of the month were. Also, be sure to tell us what book you’re interested in winning. You can put your name in for more than one book, but you’ll only be allowed to win one, so choose wisely.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So…what was your favorite read of the month? And your least favorite? Use the Rafflcopter Widget to enter! Good luck!

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13 responses to “Monthly Reads: April 2018

  1. Kim

    Best book of the month was The Sins of Lord Lockwood. I didn’t have a disappointing book.

  2. Willa

    Don’t enter me please. Just wanted to say I saw Holly read Ocean Light by Nalini Singh and only gave it a 3.75 – 4 *shocked * are you going to write a review?

    • Yes, I’ll have a review ready closer to the release date. I’m not sure if I need to take a break from the series or if it was the book, but it moved rather slow. I didn’t dislike it, but it isn’t one of the better books in the series.

      • Willa

        Holly – thank you for the reply, looking forward to the review . . go write it . . go on, go on, go on 😀

  3. CelineB

    My favorite read of the month was A Girl Like Her by Talia Hibbert. Since March 27th I have glommed all of Hibbert’s books except her latest one which I have, but haven’t gotten to yet. I really like the way she has diverse characters and the way she handles consent.

    My least favorite was The Saint of Wolves and Butchers by Alex Grecian. It was a mystery/thriller I read for the reading challenge I’m doing (it fit the category for a book written by someone visiting the metro area I live in) and it was just okay.

    If I win, I’d like the Maurene Goo book or the latest Lauren Layne.

  4. Kareni

    Some good reads in April included Carla Kelly’s novella The Christmas Angle (no, that is not a spelling error), The Last Wolf (The Legend of All Wolves) by Maria Vale, the historical mystery What Angels Fear: A Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery by C. S. Harris, and re-reads of Kim Fielding’s The Tin Box and Rattlesnake.

    I often put aside disappointing books. This month I read North Wolf by M.A. Everaux as it was loaned to me; it’s an out of print book about which I’ve heard good things for years. The build up was far better than the book.

    Were I to win, I’d like Ocean Light by Nalini Singh.

  5. erinf1

    I’ve been reading a fair amount lately… when I can finally pick a book. Why is it sooo hard? But I’d have to say that my two favorite reads this month was Beautiful Mistake by Vi Keeland and A Scandalous Deal by Joanna Shupe. A Scandalous Deal was great b/c it was a woman breaking into a man’s profession (architect) in the 1920’s and the man didn’t “solve” her problems (yay!). Beautiful Mistake was a surprisingly deep romance despite the professor/student trope. Didn’t have a least fav read, so good month! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Wendy

    Best read was Hot and Badgered by Shelly Laurenston. If I were to win, I’d like Ocean Light.

  7. bn100

    Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake by Sarah Maclean was one of the worst books I’ve ever come across; nothing about it was good
    the subprimes by Karl Taro Greenfeld was interesting

  8. Kimh

    Great books,
    Come away with me -Kristin proby- Fav
    Truly. Mad, deeply/0- Megan foster-least Fav
    Thanks for the giveaway

  9. Kimh

    Great books, the. Hookuo by Erin mccarthY
    Come away with me -Kristin proby- Fav
    Truly. Mad, deeply/0- Megan foster-least Fav
    Thanks for the giveaway

  10. JenM

    My favorites were Slouch Witch, a humorous UF by Helen Harper featuring a witch who’d rather lie on her couch watching TV then save the world, Small Change by Roan Parrish, with an adorable caretaker ginger hero, and My Lady Thief, a Regency by Emily Larkin. My least favorite was a Kindle freebie called Blind Seduction by T. Hammond which was a DNF for me. The writing was just so clunky, I got 1/3 of the way through and gave up.

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