Monthly Reads: June 2017

Posted July 4, 2017 by Casee in Features, Giveaways | 10 Comments


Casee: I read none books this month. None. I am too pathetic for words. I can admit it.

Holly: I only managed to read 13 books. June was a crazy month and I wasn’t very focused on reading. I had a pretty good reading month as far as quality goes. I read some really great books.

  1. Lady Luck by Kristen Ashley (reread) | 3.5 out of 5
  2. Sweet Dreams by Kristen Ashley (reread) | 4.25 out of 5
  3. Stay by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy | 4 out of 5
  4. One Fell Sweep by Ilona Andrews (reread) | 4 out of 5
  5. Pia Does Hollywood (reread) | 3.5 out of 5
  6. Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews (reread) | 4.25 out of 5
  7. White Hot by Ilona Andrews | 4.5 out of 5
  8. Wildfire by Ilona Andrews | 4.25 out of 5
  9. The Lion’s Lady by Julie Garwood (reread) | 4.5 out of 5
  10. Saving Grace by Julie Garwood (reread) | 4.75 out of 5
  11. Moonshadow by Thea Harrison | 4 out of 5
  12. Spellbinder by Thea Harrison | 4.25 out of 5
  13. Archangel’s Viper by Nalini Singh | 4.5 out of 5

I read some really great books, so it’s hard to pick a favorite. Archangel’e Viper by Nalini Singh and White Hot by Ilona Andrews probably top the list, but Spellbinder by Thea Harrison is right up there.

Rowena: June was a busy month for me with prom and graduation then graduation parties but in the midst of the madness, I still managed to get some books read. Yay me!

Here’s what I read in June:

  1. The Impossible Vastness of Us by Samantha Young | 4 out of 5
  2. The Day of the Duchess by Sarah MacLean | 5 out of 5
  3. Wired by Julie Garwood | 3.5 out of 5
  4. Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon (re-read) | 4 out of 5
  5. I Knew You Were Trouble by Lauren Layne | 4 out of 5
  6. Dating You, Hating You by Christine Lauren | 4 out of 5
  7. Eye Candy by Jessica Lemmon | 4 out of 5
  8. Stay by Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy | 4.25 out of 5
  9. Some Kind of Hero by Sherrilyn Kenyon | 3.5 out of 5
  10. Lucky in Love by Kasie West | 3.25 out of 5
  11. How to Change a Life by Stacey Ballis | 3.25 out of 5

My favorite read of the month is hands down, The Day of the Duchess by Sarah MacLean. That book was freaking amazing and I just adored it to pieces. I think everyone should read it and love it with me. Who’s with me? 🙂

My least favorite read of the month goes to How to Change a Life by Stacey Ballis. The book itself isn’t bad, it was just slow going for me and I almost DNF’d it. It was my first read by Ballis but I enjoyed the foodie aspects of the main character, Eloise…I just wanted to connect with her and the story more.

This month we’re giving away:

Any book from Holly or Rowena’s list.
White Hot by Ilona Andrews or Spellbinder by Thea Harrison (winner’s choice)
The Day of the Duchess by Sarah MacLean

If you want to be entered to win, leave a comment on this post telling us what your favorite – and least favorite – reads of the month were. Also, be sure to tell us what book you’re interested in winning. You can put your name in for more than one book, but you’ll only be allowed to win one, so choose wisely.

So…what was your favorite read of the month? And your least favorite? Use the Rafflcopter Widget to enter! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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10 responses to “Monthly Reads: June 2017

  1. CelineB

    My favorite read of the month was Walk of Shame by Lauren Layne. It was just so sweet and adorable; exactly what I needed at that moment.

    If I had to pick a least favorite, I’d go with The Harder They Fall by Jill Shalvis. There was nothing wrong with it, just compared to the rest of the books I read it was my least favorite.

    I would love to win something off of Holly’s or Rowena’s list, specifically Stay by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy. Thanks for the chance!

  2. Helen

    Favorite book I read in June was BLAME IT ON THE DUKE by Lenora Bell. I was in the mood for a historical and it hit the spot. My least favorite book was actually something that I dug out of my TBR pile because I’m trying to read some of the books I bought a while back (sometimes years), THE LAST HOUR OF GANN. I’m halfway through (it’s super long) and I’m going to put it aside for now. It’s kind of a downer and Amber (heroine) and Meoraq (lizard man) are constantly arguing and fighting. Apparently they fall in love, but I haven’t seen any love yet (at 52%). There are ‘stirrings’, but no love.

    Thanks again for the giveaway! Hope everyone had a great 4th of July! I really want to read THE DAY OF THE DUCHESS by Sarah Maclean. I’ve been waiting for that one!

  3. lsureader

    I read 11 books in June. My favorites were White Hot (Ilona Andrews) and The Girl With the Make Believe Husband (Julia Quinn.) My least favorite was No One But You, by Brenda Novak, an author whose works I usually enjoy. I didn’t like the heroine or find her actions believable.

    If I win, I’d like The Day of the Duchess (Sarah MacLean) or the book Wildfire (Ilona Andrews) from Holly’s list. Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. I read 12 books this month. My favorite book was Dear Aaron by Mariana Zapata which drew you in with their emails and texts and then held you with the 1:1 contact. Mariana Zapata books always hold your attention. My least favorite book was The Librarian by Christy Sloat. It wasn’t poorly written, I just had a hard time connecting with the characters.

    If I win, I’d like The Impossible Vastness of Us by Samantha Young

  5. I read Dating You, Hating You this month and really enjoyed it. Christina Lauren is a new-to-me author so I will be checking out her backlist. I tried to read The Zookeeper’s Wife and just could not get into how the author was presenting it. I will try the movie, though. This real life story sounds incredible.

  6. kareni

    I’ve read some good books this month. A couple of favorites are the male/male romance And It Came to Pass by Laura Stone and the male/female romance Dear Aaron by Mariana Zapata. My least favorite were two science fiction romances by Savannah Stuart (aka Katie Reus).

    Were I to win, I’d love to receive Spellbinder by Thea Harrison or Stay by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy or Wildfire by Ilona Andrews or The Day of the Duchess by Sarah MacLean … such a multitude of wonderful choices.

  7. JenM

    June was a great reading month because I finally got my hands on White Hot. Definitely my favorite book of the month, and one of my tops for the year. I’m so ready for Wildfire, which is releasing on my birthday (yay!). I also loved Blood of the Earth by Faith Hunter, another UF, although no romance in that one. Least favorite was The Duke’s Guide to Correct Behavior by Megan Frampton. There wasn’t anything specifically wrong with it and I’ve read books by her in the past and liked them, but I just couldn’t connect with the characters and had to force myself to finish it.

    If I win, I’d choose between Stay, The Day of the Duchess, Dating You, Hating You, or Spellbinder (assuming I haven’t snapped that one up on release day like I’m planning to do with Wildfire LOL).

  8. Laura Lovejoy-Brunk

    I havent read it yet…but im dying to read Stay by Sarina and Elle…..I adore, love ,Flove this series and those ladies together !

  9. Kim

    I enjoyed Love Actually by Sarah Morgan and was disappointed in The Girl With the Make-Believe Husband.

    I’d like to win The Day of the Duchess.

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