Sunday Spotlight: Kiss An Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Posted March 12, 2017 by Casee in Features, Giveaways | 12 Comments

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be  raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂

Sunday Spotlight

Kiss An Angel is my all time favorite SEP book. Daisy is such a delightful heroine. The perfect contrast to Alex. Alex underestimates her from the beginning and Daisy never lets it get her down. Alex’s pride is so important to him, something that Daisy doesn’t understand. She lives life to the fullest and isn’t sorry. She’s also rather prudish, which is wonderfully amusing. This book is almost perfect, from cover to cover.

Kiss An Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 1, 1996
Publisher: Avon

Pretty, flighty Daisy Devreaux can either go to jail or marry the mystery man her father has chosen for her. Arranged marriages don’t happen in the modern world, so how did the irrepressible Daisy find herself in this fix?

Alex Markov, as humorless as he is deadly handsome, has no intention of playing the loving bridegroom to a spoiled little feather-head with champagne tastes. He drags Daisy from her uptown life to a broken down traveling circus and sets out to tame her to his ways.

But this man without a soul has met his match in a woman who’s nothing but heart. Before long, passion will send them flying sky high without a safety net… risking it all in search of a love that will last forever.

Order the Book:


I bookmarked too much to share, so I will pick a couple of my favorites.

Memorable Quotes

Not only did Daisy forget her husband’s name when she was taking her vows, she forgot her actual vows.

She dug her nails into her pals and told herself she had no choice. “I, Theodosia…” She gulped for air. “…take thee Alexander…” She gulped again “…to be my awful wedded husband…”

It wasn’t until she heard her stepmother, Amelia, gasp that she realized what she’d said.

The stud muffin turned his head and looked down at her. He cocked one dark brown in a vaguely inquisitive fashion, as if he wasn’t certain he’d heard her correctly. My awful wedded husband. Her sense of humor kicked in, and she felt the corners of her mouth quiver.

Daisy also had a special affinity for the animals at the circus, namely the elephants.

“First I need to–”

“Check on Tater. I’ll come with you.”

“Don’t glower at him this time.”

“I never glower.”

“Last time you glowered. It hurt his feelings.”

“He doesn’t have–”

“He does, too, have feelings.”

“You spoil him.”

“He’s spirited, not spoiled. There’s a big difference.”

He gave her a pointed look. “Believe me, I know all about the difference between spirited and spoiled.”

“Are you implying–”

“It’s a compliment.”

“It doesn’t sound like one.”

This was the first time they were in bed together. Daisy was a twenty six year old virgin. This made me laugh long and hard.

“You’ve torn a hole in my tights.” she murmured foolishly, slipping her arms around his shoulders and reveling in the feel of his weight pressing her into the mattress.

He brushed his lips over her temples. “I’ll buy you a new pair. I swear.” He gave a gentle push.

And went nowhere.

She stiffened. Her worst fears had been realized She’d atrophied from so many years of being unused.

Oh, Daisy.

**Giveaway: We’re giving one lucky winner their choice of one of our Sunday Spotlight books. Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter for one of this month’s features.**

Have you read Kiss An Angel? Tell us why you loved it or why you didn’t!

About the Author

Susan Elizabeth Phillips


I STARTED TO WRITE completely by accident. I taught high school until our oldest son was born, then quit to stay home. In 1976, my husband’s job took us from Ohio to central New Jersey. My best friend Claire lived two doors down the street. Both of us were big readers, reading everything from literary fiction to the newly popular historical romance novels. We loved talking about the books—what we liked, what we didn’t. One day, just for fun, we decided to try to write a book together. For three weeks as we rode our bikes in the evening, with my toddler in the baby seat behind me, we plotted our story. Then we sat down with a yellow pad and began to write.

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12 responses to “Sunday Spotlight: Kiss An Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

  1. JenM

    I’ve read a couple of SEP books, but not this one. It sounds great. As for books I’m looking forward to this month, they are mainly UF – Silence Fallen by Patricia Briggs, Etched in Bone by Anne Bishop, and The Unyielding by Shelly Laurenston.

  2. Kareni

    Thanks for a fun post! I read a number of SEP books years ago; I’m pretty sure Kiss an Angel was one of them.

  3. nikkiphilton

    This is my favorite SEP book, followed closely by Match Me If You Can, Ain’t She Sweet?, and Natural Born Charmer. I reread these books at least once a year. I think she is my favorite author (this week). I vacillate between her and about 4 others. But this week, she is the one. For sure.
    Hope Ramsey and Erin Nicholas have books coming out next week that I’m really looking forward to.

  4. Sharlene Wegner

    I don’t know what’s coming this week, but I have a Carolyn Brown book on tap, along with Devil in Spring.

  5. Kim

    I enjoyed Kiss An Angel and need to re-read it. I’m looking forward to Lorraine Heath’s release.

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