Tina’s review of Hush Little Baby by Suzanne Redfearn
Lately I have gotten back into the habit of reading suspense novels. My favorite kind are those that grab you by the throat the minute you open the cover and refuse to let go until you have read the last page. Hush Little Baby by Suzanne Redfearn is one of those books.
Having recently read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and Lie Still by Julie Heaberlin, I was thinking that the chance of finding another book that would have me sitting on the edge of my seat, practically holding my breath was pretty close to nil. I am pleased to say I was wrong. Hush Little Baby is the type of book that you don’t put down. It is a book that you stay up to finish even when you know you have to work in the morning. It is a book that makes your heart pound in your chest even though you know that you are reading a work of fiction. This, my friends is what separates a good suspense novel from a great one.
Have you ever met someone before and felt jealous that their life seems so perfect? I mean, be honest for a minute….haven’t we all felt like that at one time or another? What if that family that seems so perfect is actually the complete opposite of that? What if the loving husband & doting father is actually a manipulative and controlling monster? What about his pretty wife who is all smiles and adoring looks? Is she STILL smiling once the door is closed? What if the family that we see is actually a carefully constructed facade, perfectly portrayed with the skill of a well-seasoned actor? This book will make you question what you think you know about people.
Domestic abuse is a hard topic to read about. It is not pleasant – it is not supposed to be. As I read Hush Little Baby, my stomach felt sick. I was thoroughly disgusted to think that there are people out there who have to live in fear every single day. I felt the despair and helplessness of Jillian as she took the abuse day in and day out, until one day she just couldn’t take any more…
I am not going to say anymore about this book except this… READ IT. And if you have to work in the morning prepare to be tired, because you won’t want to put it down once you start.
I received this book through the Goodreads First Reads program in return for an honest review.
4.75 out of 5
This book is available from Grand Central Publishing. You can buy it here or here in e-format.
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