What I Read Last Week

Posted October 14, 2013 by Tracy in Features | 2 Comments

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a nice weekend. Mine was busy but good. The church that I work at and attend had its 50th Anniversary celebrations this weekend which were great. There was a dinner on Saturday night where one of the founding members of the church talked about how it all began and the early years of the church. It was wonderful to hear the stories – some were quite humorous – and see the fabulous media presentation that was constructed. Then on Sunday we had a great service where my old boss preached and it was exciting to have her there once again. As much as I like my new boss I miss my old one terribly. sigh Oh well. 🙂 Anyway, between this weekends activities and driving my kids around hither and yon I read very little this week – I think I’m starting to go through withdrawals! lol

Here’s what I did manage to read:

First up was Torn by Kim Karr. This is book 2 in the Connections series and continued the story of River and Dahlia. I can’t tell you really anything without giving away huge spoilers, especially if you plan on reading book 1 and haven’t yet, but I will say it had both its good and bad moment. 3.75 out of 5 (read for Book Binge)

Next up was a short story called Bewitching the Werewolf by Caroline Hanson. The story was about Rachel who is hired by an Alpha werewolf to cast a spell to find his mate. The pack is giving him grief because he hasn’t found his mate yet and so he plans on hurrying things up. Of course Rachel is his actual mate (saw that coming from a mile away) and they all live HEA. This was my first read by this author and I must say I really liked her style. Her writing was engaging and humorous and I was loving the story but then it just ended. It’s like they had sex and that meant everything was A-ok, even though Rachel had said she had issues and wasn’t interested in a relationship. I understand this was a free read but I still would have liked a little more. This won’t stop me from reading more by this author but I must say that was a bit frustrating. 3 out of 5

How to Wed an Earl by Ivory Lei is the story about Lucas, the Earl of Ravenstone, who must finally claim his bride – a woman he’s been engaged to for 22 years and has never met – just so he can receive his inheritance from his father. Penelope is not thrilled to have Lucas show up. She had pinned her hopes and dreams on him just to be disappointed when she was ignored. Now she wants something different but falls in love with Lucas anyway. To say the least she’s not happy when she finds out WHY Lucas finally claimed her. It was a decent read and had some really great parts to it. 3.75 out of 5 (read for Book Binge)

Another short story was A Bit of Bite by Cynthia Eden. This had police officer/special paranormal investigator Ava looking into murders that are made to look like the werewolves are the guilty parties. Alpha Julian and Ava once spent a hot night together and neither can forget it. When it looks like Ava is in danger Julian steps up to protect her. It was a cute story that I enjoyed – I always like Eden’s writing. 3 out of 5

Last for the week was the first in a serial called The Inheritance by Olivia Mayfield. The first book The Inheritance: The Will is about Maggie who has attended her very rich grandfather’s funeral and now comes the reading of the will. Maggie, her brother Robert, he ex-best friend who was her grandfather’s girlfriend (by the looks of it), Bethany and Maggie’s ex-boyfriend Andrew are all present. They must find out what happened to Maggie and Robert’s sister, Cassandra, who disappeared one night 8 years earlier. I’ll post my review of this one later this week.

My Book Binge reviews that posted this week:
All of You by Christina Lee

Happy Reading!

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2 responses to “What I Read Last Week

  1. Congrats on your church's anniversary, sounds like you had a lot to do. Thanks for the overview of your reading week, they sound like interesting reads.

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