Guest Author (+ a Giveaway): Jill Shalvis – Top Five Sexiest Hero Professions

Posted June 3, 2013 by Holly in Giveaways, Promotions | 30 Comments

Jill Shalvis is the queen of writing sexy heroes. Today she’s here as part her blog tour celebrating the release of It Had To Be You, book 6 in the Lucky Harbor series.

Ali Winters is not having a good day. Her boyfriend left her, everyone in town thinks she’s a thief, and now she’s about to be kicked out of her home. Her only shot at keeping a roof over her head and clearing her name is to beg for help from a police detective who’s as sexy as he is stern….

After a high-profile case goes wrong, Luke Hanover returns to his hometown for some peace and quiet. Instead he finds a bombshell brunette in a heap of trouble. As he helps Ali put her world back together, the pieces of Luke’s own life finally seem to fall into place. Is this the start of a sizzling fling? Or are Luke and Ali on the brink of something big in a little town called Lucky Harbor?

Top Five Sexiest Professions For Romance Heroes:

1. Anyone who carries handcuffs.  Cop, sheriff, detective, you name it. We’re all ‘ho’s for the handcuffs. Admit it, it’s totally true.

2. Anyone who carries a hose. Hey, I’m talking about firefighters here, what were YOU thinking?

3. Anyone wearing a toolbelt. I don’t know exactly why this is, it just is a fact in the universe. Toolbelts = sexy.

4. Anyone wearing a suit and in ownership of a billion dollar empire. I’m not quite into this phenomena myself, I’m much more into the guy who works with his hands but I get the fantasy. A smart, rich guy is sexy as hell.

5. Anyone who makes a living with balls. I’m talking sports heroes, people. Which you totally knew, right? There’s something about a guy willing to risk life and limb to make the win…

How about you? What’s your top profession for a romance hero?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

New York Times and USA Today bestseller Jill Shalvis is the award winning author of over four dozen romance novels, including her sexy contemporary and award winning Lucky Harbor series (FOREVER AND A DAY was one of Amazon’s Top Romances for 2012). She won a Rita for SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE and is a 3-time National Readers Choice winner as well. Make sure to click on the blog button above for her daily blog where she recounts her Misplaced City Girl adventures.

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30 responses to “Guest Author (+ a Giveaway): Jill Shalvis – Top Five Sexiest Hero Professions

  1. Definitely a cop. A gruff detective with a hard body and a soft heart. Also any branch of the military. I have a thing for men in uniform for sure.

  2. Invent my own option? I’m pretty sure it’s been written before–intelligent, well read, articulate handyman with sense of humor, an interest in science and technology, and a military/police past.

  3. ayesha

    I’d have to say any man in a position of authority. Or one who uses his hands 😉

  4. Pam C.

    I was thinking military too, yep a man in uniform is for sure hot. Seconding cowboy too, wasn’t the fan of the cowboys until Loralie James’ books turned me on to them.

  5. Who doesn’t love a romance hero in a uniform? I’m not picky- cops, firemen,athletes. Thanks for the chance to win, I love Jill’s books, they’re always a good read! 🙂

  6. Jill has a great list. I can’t argue with any of those choices. I’ll just add one: astronaut. (Talk about being able to take a heroine to the moon and back!)

  7. Jess1

    All such great choices. Would add military to the list. Something about a man in uniform.

    strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com

  8. Chelsea B.

    It’s a tie for me between a suave tux wearer and owner of his own billion dollar business, or a sexy, dark, brooding detective.
    Both. Both. I’ll take both.

  9. There are so many –
    a cowboy/rancher
    an atty
    a person in the construction field
    any type of law enforcement person
    but #1 – an athlete, particularly a baseball player.

  10. Di

    I love them all and I like variety – cowboy or cop, fireman or athelete, doctor or lawyer, chef or CEO – I just like them to be committed to their family, job & do some good things for others less fortunate.

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