Review: The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden by Jessica Sorenson.

Posted April 24, 2013 by Rowena in Reviews | 3 Comments

Rowena’s review of The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden by Jessica Sorenson.

Main Character: Callie, Kayden
Love Interest: Kayden, Callie
Series: The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden #1
Author: Facebook|Twitter|Goodreads

There are those who don’t get luck handed to them on a shiny platter, who end up in the wrong place at the wrong time, who don’t get saved.

Luck was not on Callie’s side the day of her twelfth birthday when everything was stolen from her. After it’s all over, she locks up her feelings and vows never to tell anyone what happened. Six years later her painful past consumes her life and most days it’s a struggle just to breathe.

For as long as Kayden can remember, suffering in silence was the only way to survive life. As long as he did what he was told, everything was okay. One night, after making a terrible mistake, it seems like his life might be over. Luck was on his side, though, when Callie coincidentally is in the right place at the right time and saves him.

Now he can’t stop thinking about the girl he saw at school, but never really knew. When he ends up at the same college as Callie, he does everything he can to try to get to know her. But Callie is reserved and closed off. The more he tries to be part of her life, the more he realizes Callie might need to be saved.

I can’t explain how much I enjoyed this book.  I don’t even know which words to use to explain how much I enjoyed this book.  The realness of the story, the rawness of the characters, it all made for one heck of a roller coaster.

This story follows Callie and Kayden to college.  In high school, Callie was the social outcast.  She was the freak that didn’t let anyone get too close and she had her reasons for doing that.  Nobody knows about these reasons and that was exactly how she preferred it.  Once she got to college, she could be the person that she wanted to be. College was her shot at becoming the person she was meant to be all along.

Right before Callie was scheduled to leave for college, she comes across Kayden Owens getting severely beaten by his father and without thinking, she jumps right in and saves Kayden’s life.  Nobody knows about Kayden’s home life.  Everyone thinks that he’s got it so good, his parents have money and he’s got a football scholarship and a girlfriend that everyone wants to bang.  When Callie intervenes, Kayden can’t seem to stop thinking about her.  He never got around to thanking her for saving his life that night but when he comes across her, a very new her at school, things get really interesting.

Callie and Kayden are both such broken characters that saved each other.  They’re both struggling with just surviving the life hands that they were dealt and seeing them come together was such an emotional roller coaster for me.  I was sucked right in with everything that was going on and I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough to suit me.  I wanted to know everything, feel everything and just make sure that they found their ways.  Both Callie and Kayden suffer from the lives back in their hometown and seeing their relationship grow into one of the most beautiful things that either of them have ever had…man, it was great.

This book made me a hot mess.  I laughed, I cried, I laughed some more right before I cried some more.  The ending had me all worried up until I found out that there’s another book to follow.  I really, really loved this book.  I loved both Callie and Kayden, I loved the friends they had in both Seth and Luke.  I loved seeing the friendship between the four of them blossom the way that it did when they all got to college.  I loved how they became a family unit and they were all there for each other, exactly the way that friends should be there for you.

I cannot wait for the next book.  This book had it all, a storyline that will hurt your heart and keep you cheering the characters on and a steamy romance that will make you raise your brows like, “Say what?”  It was all great, just great reading. I cannot recommend this book enough.  It was such a good read.

…and that’s your scoop!

This book is available from Grand Central Publishing. This book was received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Buy the book: B&N|Amazon|Book Depository
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3 responses to “Review: The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden by Jessica Sorenson.

  1. Even though it sounds like a lot of the other NA-like books out there, I’m still looking forward to reading this one and I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Rowena

    Hi DJ D,

    Yeah I’m really getting into the New Adult genre. I like some and hate others but for the most part, I’m reading good stuff so I can’t complain.

    I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did.

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