Reading Challenges in 2013.

Posted December 30, 2012 by Rowena in Miscellaneous | 8 Comments

I’m not doing them.

There’s nothing wrong with reading challenges but I’m giving them up.  In 2012, I participated in a few reading challenges and enjoyed them.  But this year? I want to relax more and get back to reading for…me.  The past couple of years I’ve challenged myself to different reading challenges and some I enjoyed, some I didn’t.  But I want to read the books that I want to read, when I want to read them and not because I have to read them for this challenge or that challenge.

This year, the only reading challenge I’m giving myself is to read whatever the hell I want to read.

Sounds like a good challenge, right?

Who’s with me?

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8 responses to “Reading Challenges in 2013.

  1. I got burned out on challenges after a big complicated group one at GoodReads — fun, but exhausting. Since then, I’ve only done a quite simple one, which offers a little light direction (and a prize!) And SuperWendy’s TBR challenge, same reason. A little light direction is helpful when you have so many books, but I want to keep things very easy right now.

    Opinion subject to change without notice. 😉

  2. The only reading challenge I am doing next year is a personal TBR challenge, which is part of a Goodreads forum. But it is very low key.

  3. I have never done a reading challenge & was considering one, but the recording & reviewing is too much extra work. I have a huge, huge stack & also want to read what I am in the mood for at the moment. And keep those series books in order! Happy New Year!

  4. Did the usual GOODREADS Challenge..met my quota and changed it 3 times…and still passed it…lol

    Entered two others and dropped one the third month…it was too difficult…

    the other I am in for the long hall…but in 2013 probably just do the GOODREADS…which is basically a personal challenge….

  5. Wendy

    I host the TBR Challenge mostly because it forces me to read at least one book out of that behemoth every month. I need all the help I can get on that score!

    Other than that? Yeah, I don’t really do challenges. I’m more of a “reading resolutions” kind of girl. This year I really need to get my TBR thinned out and better organized. I also want to scale back somewhat on review obligations and read more out of the TBR. Of course this whole thing could turn into a “if wishes were horses” fiasco 🙂

  6. *raising hand*

    I may sign up again for Wendy’s TBR Challenge, mostly to see if I can get back to posting at least ONE review a month (really, how hard can that be, right?), and perhaps Orannia’s Big Book Challenge–if she hosts it again.

    Otherwise…yeah, not so much with these.

  7. Yeah, I’ve never been too good with the challenges. I do like Jackie’s New Author Challenge and I might benefit from the TBR one, but honestly, I’m not doing anything that makes me feel like I’m working or on a deadline. I have a job for that.

  8. Lori

    I gave up challenges as well. Though I’m so glad I did the In Death one a few years ago, and I always participate sporadically in the TBR challenge because it forces me to write a review every now and again, LOL.

    This year, the only reading challenge I’m giving myself is to read whatever the hell I want to read.

    This is what I would wish for every reader. It’s the only way I operate.

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