What I Read Last Week

Posted November 26, 2012 by Tracy in Features | 2 Comments

Good morning!

Last week was a short work week but it seemed like a really long week in the end as I had so many days off right in a row – YAY! lol My boss closed the office at noon on Wednesday and then I had the next 4 days off. So. Nice. Thanksgiving was with my parents at my house and it was wonderful. I wish we could have had more family present but they were scattered far and wide. The rest of the weekend was spent reading a little (and I do mean a little) and mostly hanging out with my kids and watching movies. LOTS of movies. 🙂

On Wednesday my youngest came to work with me and while she was in the car on the way to work she was already bored. lol She made this video on my camera and it has nothing to do with anything but it was just so strangely funny I had to share. She’s saying something about different types of lamas and then fish, turtle, unicorn and peacock. She added the last part herself. That’s my wonderful yet odd child. lol

I didn’t end up reading that much this past week. I thought I would but it just didn’t work out that way in the end.

My first book for the week was Zero at the Bone by Jane Seville and was my Tracy’s TBR Challenge book for the week as well as the book I read for my TRB Challenge 2012 review. You can read my review here. The story is about a hit man falling in love with the man he has a contract out on. 4 out of 5 

How to Deceive a Duke by Lecia Cornwall was next. The story is about an impoverished family who is approached by a dowager duchess who wants one of their daughters to marry her son – a duke. The girl is reluctant and takes off leaving her sister to take her place. I’ll be posting my review of this one this week.

Then I read Romancing the Holiday by Jaci Burton, HelenKay Dimon and Christi Barth. This is an anthology with 3 Christmastime romances. I really liked all of them and recommend this one for a fun holiday read. 4 out of 5

Last for the week was The Bridegroom Wore Plaid by Grace Burrowes. This is the first in the new MacGregor series and tells the tale of a Scottish Earl who is hosting a family from England. He is considering marrying one of the daughters because of her dowry and the money will help his clan. The story has more than one romance and was quite good. 3.75 out of 5

My Book Binge reviews that posted last week:
Lord’s Fall by Thea Harrison

Happy reading!

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2 responses to “What I Read Last Week

  1. Chris – A huge family gathering is what I'm used to so the fact that it was just us and my parents made it REALLY quiet. 🙂 Glad you had a nice relaxing day.

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