Crazy On You (Lovett Texas, #2) by Rachel Gibson
Series: Lovett Texas #2
Also in this series: Daisy's Back In Town, Rescue Me
Publisher: Harper Collins, Avon Impulse
Publication Date: May 1, 2012
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
Point-of-View: Alternating Third
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 128
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Series Rating:

Return to Lovett, Texas, the setting of Daisy's Back in Town, in this smart and sexy new story from Rachel Gibson, the New York Times bestselling author of Rescue Me and the Seattle Chinooks books.
Lily Darlington's been called crazy in her day-and, yeah, driving her car into her ex-husband's living room probably wasn't the smartest move ever made-but the louse deserved it. Now Lily is happily single, and she's turned it all around. She knows she's a good mom, a homeowner, and a businesswoman, all wrapped up in one good-looking package.
A package that police officer Tucker Matthews is dying to unwrap. This ex-military man sure doesn't need another woman in his life. His last girlfriend left him with nothing but memories and a cat named Pinky! But living next door to Lily has been driving him nuts. He dreams about her long blonde hair and even longer legs. And maybe it's time to go a little crazy . . . and fall in love.
This was just ok. The short page count didn’t allow much for character or relationship development. While Lily was fairly well fleshed out (maybe because she was introduced in Daisy’s Back in Town, a book I recently re-read), we didn’t learn enough about Tucker. That he went from “hmm, Lily might be crazy but she’s hot” to “I want everything with you” after one conversation didn’t make sense. I mean, literally one conversation. He goes over to talk to her about playing basketball with her son, thinks she’s hot, goes to work and hears a bunch of rumors about how crazy she is, then knocks on her door and says “I want everything with you”? Uh, no.
I did laugh a couple times and I thought it was sweet how both Tucker and Lily dealt with Pippen. If there hadn’t been a declaration of love 5 days in, I think I’d have enjoyed it more.
2.5 out of 5
This book is available from Avon. You can buy it here in e-format.
I felt the same, needed to see his thought processes there. Maybe something got cut? But why cut anything for length in an ebook?
Wow! That’s weird!!
I can buy into the “You’re hot” thing but such a change of heart? after hearing she’s Crazy?
Don’t think that0ll work out for me.
Willaful – I wondered the same thing. Some authors can write short stories well. Unfortunately I don’t think Gibson is one of them. I’ve read several of her novellas and each one has left me wanting.
Alex – it really came out of left field. I even scrolled back a page and re-read, thinking I’d missed something. Very strange.