#DFRAT Guest Author (+ a Giveaway): Shiloh Walker Talks Shifts in e-Publishing

Posted June 7, 2012 by Holly in Features, Giveaways, Promotions | 23 Comments

Today Shiloh Walker is here talking about the changes she’s seen in digital publishing through the years. Shiloh is one of the old guard – she was published in digital long before everyone thought it was cool. I’m so thrilled she agreed to be here today.


When are you going to write a real book…

No. We only review real books here.

Oh…you’re epublished. I see.

Ah…ebooks. That’s what you do when you can’t sell a real book.

It wasn’t that long ago when this was the typical attitude when it came to ebooks. I started out in ebooks, and I still write for my digital publishers. It’s a different world now, though, compared to what it was 2003, back when a writer of…those books was treated like the ugly, red-headed step-child of the publishing industry.

Yes. I have honestly been told or asked all of the above things, more than once, but now, digital-first publishing seems to be just part of it. A lot of traditionally published authors are looking at the various options you can find with the platforms—digital, self-published, etc.

In 2003, I started out writing for Ellora’s Cave…Her Best Friend’s Lover, my first published book. A contemporary romance, a friends-to-lovers story, a book that was a little off the beaten path for EC…a book that’s still one of my more popular ones.

I got into epublishing at just the right time, really. Because it was really starting to take off. I know a lot of people are looking at the Kindle and the Nook, thinking those devices are the mama and daddy of ebooks and why they are so huge. They definitely have made it easier. I’ve got a Samsung Galaxy and I’m a diehard fan of my Nook app.

But that ebook train was rolling well before we could easily access ebooks on sites like Amazon, BN, etc. Publishers like EC were doing it way before Kindle and Nook were here…and some of us readers and writers were embracing those ebooks long before Kindle was even a spark.

I’ve watched the ebook industry shift, and change, and grow. I’ve watched start-up epubs explode up all over the place, and many of them just wither, and fade. Sadly, some crashed and burned. Now traditional publishing is branching out into their own digital-first arms and more readers than ever are discovering the appeal of ebooks.

It’s been close to ten years since I first discovered ebooks, close to ten years since I first submitted my first book to Ellora’s Cave. I still write for both traditional publishers and digital-first publishers, as well as some self-published works. I’m sort of a dabbler…I try a variety of things, both genre-wise and platform-wise, looking for the mix that works best for me, career-wise and for my readers. I tend to write in a variety of lengths and genres, not to mention that I…ah…sometimes tell weird stories. Those weird stories often fit in better with digital-first publishers than they would with a traditional publisher, plus…well…it’s nice money.

The variety of platforms can just work to complement the other and if you have a mind like mine…(think hyperactive bunny on speed), it just works.

Shiloh Walker

Shiloh Walker has been writing since she was a kid. She fell in love with vampires with the book Bunnicula and has worked her way up to the more…ah…serious works of fiction. She loves reading and writing just about every kind of romance. Once upon a time she worked as a nurse, but now she writes full time and lives with her family in the Midwest.  She writes romantic suspense and paranormal romance, among other things.

also writing as
J.C. Daniels

**Giveaway… a GC to Samhain or Ellora’s Cave (Reader’s choice)…my two digital homes.

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23 responses to “#DFRAT Guest Author (+ a Giveaway): Shiloh Walker Talks Shifts in e-Publishing

  1. Samhain was the first publisher I ever bought an ebook from and I still buy from them regularly. I know that I get well edited ebooks with a nice cover.
    And I absolutely agree that there is a much bigger diversity with digital-first publishers. I really love that! I would never have tried certain genres or authors because ebooks are (mostly) cheaper so I’m more “adventurous” when it comes to buying ebooks.

    claudigc at msn dot com

  2. StacieD

    I didn’t start reading ebooks until 3 years ago. At first I read on my laptop because I was hesitant to get an ereader. Two years ago I got a Kindle and now I am addicted. I have over 1200 books and novellas on that thing. I love the ease and convenience of buying a book and having it instantly downloaded to my Kindle. I buy more books now than ever. I still buy paperback books too.

    geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

  3. So nice to read your summary of how ebooks have progressed since the “good ol’ days” to where they are now. I remember the multiple battles (including earning recognition by the RWA) back in the day. As a member of the old guard cheerleading squad in ’03 I always remember those days with fondness. It was awesome to get to hang out and interact with you guys in the EC forums. 😀 I am mostly “retired” from that sort of interaction these days, but my participation in this multi-blog event was inspired by those early days of my discovering and falling in love with digital-first romance.


  4. Anonymous

    I never thought that I would own an eBook reader but I’m a proud owner since last month. Finding out about the Amazon application for eBooks on PC opened up a whole new world to me which happened in March. So Amazon is smart, you’ll want an eBook reader after a month or two. Now, I’m trying to catch up to all the different publishers and authors. So much cheaper too.

    strive4bst at yahoo dot com

  5. I was reading e-books on my computer long before I could afford an e-reader, because it gave me a chance to give new authors and unusual genres a chance.

  6. Thank you for telling us your story. I’ve been reading ebooks for a little more than two years and I love it. It very convenient, especially since I don’t live in the US. Ebooks are a great development of the publishing world. I remember a long ago I was told about ebooks. I never thought it would be as great as it is now!

  7. Thanks for sharing your story. I didn’t start reading ebooks until I got a Kindle almost a year ago. Now I have over 2000 books on it. I love it. It’s convenient to have more than one book with me so I have a choice of what I feel like reading. Ebooks are a wonderful addition to the print books out there.


  8. Bamafever

    Ebooks are great. I read them even if I have paperback books. I have a Nook and the poor thing never gets a rest. Shiloh you are awesome and if anyone gets a chance to meet and hangout with her, it’s a must!

  9. I read e books long before I bought a Kindle (which I only did last year) because it was so much easier to read them for a lot of reasons- I didn’t have to pay for shipping (I live in Israel so shipping can get very expensive), I didn’t have to wait for the book to arrive and the best thing is that I got to read so many new authors and not pay 8$ for a book.

    I still read a lot of print books but with so many books not even available in print I’m glad I have my Kindle and that I can read so many good book and not have to worry about space and how expensive the books are.

  10. I didn’t know about e-books till e-readers came out; where was I? Probably reading a book!!!!

    dsadler53 at yahoo dot ca

  11. I’ve been reading ebooks since about 2003, Shiloh, and EC gave me my first taste of erotic romances.

    Now 80% of my reading is on my Kindle, with my very favorite author’s reserved for my paperback budget.

    Thanks for popping in today.

    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  12. I do love my Kindle, but I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for my old Gemstar ebook reader, which I got in 2004. It still works too! I’ve found so many great authors through Samhain and Ellora. I’m pretty sure that my first Shiloh Walker book was a Samhain pub.


  13. I just got into e-books as the end of last year when I got kindle. I have so many books on it already and I can take it anywhere. Plus you get access to books that otherwise wouldn’t be published in print form.

  14. I am so glad that you and a bunch of other authors embraced the ebook idea. I am also glad that ebooks give readers access to athor’s backlists. Some of those darn books are hard to find. jepebATverizonDOTnet

  15. I have been reading ebooks almost as long as you’ve been writing them. You and lora and Jaid Black were who I started with in ebooks. Now if Jaid would just finish that darn Trek series.

  16. Thanks for a fun post! I’m ashamed to admit that I was a bit non-ebook there at first. I was afraid it was a fad and didn’t want to invest in something that wouldn’t last. But now that I was forced into the digital age, I love it! Me and my Kindle are inseparable and I buy as many e-books as I do paper. Much easier on the bookshelves and surprisingly a lot of them are cheaper. I’m more willing to try new authors and genres b/c… well… it’s easier to take a chance on a $0.99-$2.99 ebook than a $8.99 paperback.

    I love your books and I’m so happy see new books by you digital and print 🙂

  17. bn100

    Very nice post. I like ebooks and think it’s great you publish in different mediums.


  18. Jane

    I don’t have an e-reader, but I’ve been reading digital books on my computer since late 2008. I bought my first ebook at the Wild Rose Press.
    janie1215 AT excite DOT com

  19. I have been reading ebooks for a while now. I love my Kindle Fire and my Nook Color. I am a big fan of your books. 🙂

  20. I still do not have an e-reader :/ But I live in a very e-reader non friendly environment. You can’t by them here, and when you can they are beyond expensive.. luckily the library has one 😉

  21. Pam S/pams00

    Love your work (especially the fairytale types) – and determined to catch up on all of your books one day ;)!

    I started reading ebooks about 3 years ago and just love it. Still love my prints too, but ebooks open up so many levels. Love Samhain and Ellora – also fan of Wild Rose Press, Red Sage, Lyrical Press, Resplendence, and Decadent Publishing … and there are some other great pubs I’ve come across as well as dozens of lesser known pubs or self pub ebooks.

    pams00 @ aol.com

  22. I have to admit that I didn’t realize how popular ebooks would become. I have never had a laptop and for many years we had one computer that was the whole family’s so it has only been recently that I have been able to read ebooks but it is great to want a book and get it in minutes.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

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