What I Read Last Week

Posted January 9, 2012 by Tracy in Features | 11 Comments

Well it was almost back to a full work week last week. I did have Monday off but then we had crazy things happening at work so it was really busy and really stressful. I was happy for the weekend where my youngest and I went to see Holly at her home. That was a ton of fun just talking books and stuff. We were there for 7 or 8 hours and it just didn’t seem like enough time! lol I have to say I was a giant tired lump yesterday doing…nothing but hanging with the fam, reading and watching movies. Nothing got done but hey – it’s not going anywhere right? All the stuff that needs to be done will still be there today when I get home today so I’ll work on it then. 🙂
On to what I read last week:
First up was Whispers in the Dark by Maya Banks. This is book 4 in the KGI series and it was about Nathan who has been captured in Afghanistan and is being tortured for information. He thinks he’s going crazy when he hears a female voice in his head and even starts talking to her. He’s not crazy. The woman is actually Shea Peterson and is a psychic who has been feeling Nathan’s pain. The story is about Shea helping Nathan and then Nathan helping Shea and their love story. It was a good story that I liked. I read this one for The Book Binge – here’s the link to the review. 4 out of 5
Next up was Caged by Tam Ames. This is a free story that Tam wrote because Wave said that hamster shifters couldn’t be done. Tam proved her wrong in a hilarious story about a hamster shifter and his owner. Very funny and well done. 4 out of 5
After that it was One Grave at a Time by Jeaniene Frost. Book 6 in the Night Huntress series has Cat and Bones working to capture a ghost who is extremely violent and can become corporeal on Halloween night. They’re also dealing with an asshole who has decided to take over her uncle’s position at the security compound who thinks he knows everything but doesn’t – and we never really learn what’s up with him as that storyline wasn’t completed. I really liked Cat and Bones and the strength of their relationship in this book. That’s something we don’t often see in UF books but this one is as strong as ever. The story was good and the fight scenes as well, but there was just something missing in this one for me that made it a good story but not fantastic. I read this for the Book Binge so I’ll let you know when my review posts. 3.5 out of 5
My next read was Amazon Heat by Melinda Leigh and Rayna Vause. This was a novella about Elizabeth who is doing research in Brazil and is saved from certain death by a group of women who turn out to be the mythical Amazons. Two years later her love, Logan, is looking for her in the same area when he is hurt and taken to the Amazon’s as well. Elizabeth must save his life and then they must try to escape as the Amazon’s aren’t ready to keep a man around for any period of time – especially after he’s worn out his usefulness. It was an interesting story but frankly I thought it was just too short. We didn’t get enough of Elizabeth and Logan or their background so the romance was just ok for me. On top of that it’s a story about the Amazon’s and we get little to know info on them or their life – how they’ve survived all these years, what their life is like, etc. Now there was a portion that looked like it was set up for a second book so maybe we’ll get more then? IDK. 3 out of 5
Next was Oracle’s Moon by Thea Harrison. I was lucky enough to get this one for review from The Book Binge and frankly I just couldn’t wait to crack that puppy open. It was the story of Kahlil who is a Djinn that we met in the previous books and Grace who is the Oracle. The story was not like anything that I expected but it was wonderful. Really romance and relationship focused and I LOVED Kahlil so very much. If you’ve been reading the Elder Races books don’t miss this one! 4.5 out of 5
Abercrombie Zombie by KZ Snow was next and it was a good one. This story followed psychic mediums Quinn and Hunter who are business partners as they deal with a man who claims to be a zombie. On top of that Quinn, who is in love with straight (well, maybe straight) Hunter, is trying to work through his feelings. The story is great and done very well and Quinn and Hunter were fabulous together. I just love KZ’s stories and this one was no different. 4 out of 5
My Tracy’s TBR Challenge read for the week was Forbidden which is boo 1 in the Playing With Fire series by Karen Erickson. The story was about roommates Michaela and Austin. They have the hots for each other but Michaela believes that Austin is gay since he’s not dated any women since they’ve known each other. Turns out he’s bi and he wants Michaela and all of her fantasies. Michaela has been held back by her conservative lovers and goes a bit wild with Austin as she trusts him. They act out fantasies together both at home and at a sex club. The story was extremely hot in the sex department but I thought that the relationship suffered more than a bit for the sake of the sexual aspect. While I really liked Austin I didn’t particularly care for Michaela all that much because of her indecision and sometimes overpowering shame and that diminished my enjoyment of the entire book. 3.25 out of 5
My Book Binge reviews that posted last week:
Happy Reading!

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11 responses to “What I Read Last Week

  1. Sounds like a great weekend – too bad that stuff doesn't just magically do itself…

    I read and enjoyed Caged and Abercrombie Zombie out of your list.

  2. Lucky you!! You got to see Holly's baby!! 🙂 Bet she's a cutie 🙂

    I'm interesting in the Maya Banks because of the psychic aspect. Hope it works out 🙂

    You make me want to give Ms Harrison another try so much, Tracy LOL.

  3. Chris – Ain't that the truth. I wish I had a magic wand and could just get it all done in the blink of an eye. *sigh*

    Nath – OMG Princess Bowie is so freaking cute!!! And what a good baby she is – she hardly makes a peep. So adorable.
    I really liked the Maya Banks but some people are having an issue with it from what I understand. Too bad because it's good, imho. 🙂
    Did you try Dragon Bound or another Harrison book?

  4. I agree with you on One Grave at a Time. I adore Cat and Bones, and it is great to see their relationship mature and settle into a comfortable groove. But there was just something missing, not sure what, with the rest of the story. My answer (lol), moar sexytimes! I can't get tired of Bones. 🙂

    hi, btw. long time, no see. *g*

  5. OMG Sula!!! How the hell are you? I hope you and that gorgeous husband of yours are both doing well.
    I love Cat and Bones and yes, their relationship was great in this one. You're right though – something was missing – it just didn't wow me like others have.
    And only 1 sex scene? What was up with that? lol

  6. I think I may just have to try Tam's book…it's the hamster shifters. They are a callin' me *grin*

    And perhaps I should try Abercrombie Zombie too… I've been told there are no zombie romances by a friend I trust, so…

  7. Hey Tracy 🙂 I read Dragon Bound and Storm's Heart and I don't know… They're okay reads…

    I read the Maya Banks yesterday. Turns out I'm part of the ones who had issues ^_^; Oups.

  8. heh. I am a long lost blogger. Good to see ya again Tracy! 🙂 Me and the DH are all good. Both busy with full-time jobs and grad school. That's my excuse for dropping off the blogosphere.

    One sex scene in a Cat and Bones book is definitely not enough. I love watching how they work together and interact with the other characters (love me some Ian!) but you gotta have some sexytimes or it's just missing something. Here's hoping the next one will be better. Did you see that Frost is writing the first book of Vlad's series? I could be tempted by that…

  9. Orannia – The "Zombie" in the books is a zombie yet isn't (you'll have to read the book to find out about that one!) but it's good. And Tam's book is pretty darned funny – definitely worth reading.

    Holly – I know! We need to move closer so we can talk in person more often. Work on that, would you please?
    Yes, Oracle's Moon was so good. LOVE Kahlil!

    Nath – You thought Dragon Bound was just OK? Hmmm…I don't know that you'd like the others then because they're on par with that one. I love them so maybe I'm not the best person to ask. lol
    I thought maybe you might have issue with the Banks. Was it the psychic/contemporary issue?

    Sula – So glad to hear you're all doing well. Grad school would keep me busy too so it's understandable.
    I haven't read any of her off-shoot books that tell the stories of Bone and Cats friends. I'm not sure if I want to go there since Cat and Bones are the thing I love most about that world. lol If you read them let me know what you think.

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