Book Watch: Thou Shalt Not Road Trip by Antony John.

Posted November 4, 2011 by Rowena in Promotions | 7 Comments

In an effort to support the ladies over at Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing and Chick Loves Lit, all of my book watches for the month of November will all be contemporary YA. I post upcoming releases that I’m looking forward to reading every Friday and to be honest, most of the books that I’m usually looking forward to are all contemporary YA books anyway.

This week’s book is Thou Shalt Not Road Trip by Antony John. Check out the blurb:

One crazy road trip that’s a mix of rejection, redemption, and romance

When sixteen-year-old Luke’s book, Hallelujah, becomes a national bestseller, his publishing house sends him on a cross-country book tour with his older brother, Matt, as chauffeur. But when irresponsible Matt offers to drive Luke’s ex—soul mate, Fran, across the country too, things get a little crazy. On the trip, Luke must loosen up, discover what it truly means to have faith, and do what it takes to get the girl he loves.

Told with Antony John’s signature wit and authenticity, and featuring smart, singular characters who jump off the page and into your heart, this story is a spiritual awakening and rockin’ road trip in one.

This sounds like something that is right up my alley of a good reading time. Being stuck in a car on a road trip with your ex has got to be pure torture and I’m all about it. I enjoyed that storyline in The Two-Way Street by Lauren Barnholdt so I’m hopeful that Antony John’s spin on the storyline will work fine just for me, especially since I thoroughly enjoyed his debut novel.

According to the Barnes and Noble website, this book comes out on April 12, 2012 so mark your calendars lovely readers. This book promises to be a good time and I’m so going to be there to enjoy it.

Click here and here for more Just Contemporary goodness. The good time lasts all month long.

..and that’s your scoop!

Buy the book: B&N|Amazon|Book Depository
Book cover and blurb credit:

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7 responses to “Book Watch: Thou Shalt Not Road Trip by Antony John.

  1. Amy

    This sounds like an awesome book. I really enjoyed Amy and Rogers Epic Detour, now I want to read more road trip books! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  2. Oh, indeed, this sounds great 🙂 Ames got me hooked on roadtrip book… plus it’s by Anthony John… Thanks for the book watch! 🙂

  3. I love that you spotlighted this book! Antony is so awesome! He’s actually taking part in Just Contemporary Month! 😀 There will be an interview later in the month and a giveaway of an ARC of this one. 🙂 I’ll have a review at the same time too 🙂

  4. Rowena

    @Alex: I agree, road trip books really rock my socks right now! I look forward to reading your reviews. =)

    @Chelley: Hey girl! How are you doing? Long time no chat! =) I hope all is well and I totally agree, road trip books rock.

    @Amy: I’m reading Saving June right now and it’s a road trip book, I’m really enjoying it too. I definitely recommend it if you’re into road trip stories.

    @nath: Hey, she got me hooked onto road trip books too. That Ames sure is a book pimp, don’t you think?

    @Ashley: Oh really? I didn’t know that, I’ll be sure to stop by and check out his guest post when I get a chance. My GR is pretty scary right now.

    Thanks for hosting a great monthly blog event!

    @Cindy: Thanks for stopping by, I’m so stoked for the release of this book!

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