While I was writing up my review for Past Perfect by Leila Sales, I came across a blog that she runs about random texts that she gets everyday. A half hour later, I was still cracking up at the stuff that woman gets texted to her. Why haven’t I met this author before? She cracks me up and I want her to be my best friend.
Check out her blog:
You won’t be sorry, it’s just too freaking funny.
..and that’s your scoop!

cool! I’ll check this one when I get home (I’m sneaking at work because it’s the day before a national holiday and only a few of us suckers are actually working!)
Sorry, needed to get that off my chest.
I might go see it right now *looks left and right*
*is alone*
*sneaks off*
That so funny! Thanks for posting about her blog; it’s hilarious!
Why don’t I get any funny mis-intended texts like that?! But I’d kinda only want them between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm M-F. .. lol