Tea Time with Julia Quinn and Eloisa James!

Posted April 5, 2011 by Rowena in Reviews | 2 Comments

Publisher: Avon, Harper Collins

Recently, Julia Quinn and Eloisa James collaborated on the story told in three parts, The Lady Most Likely which I reviewed here. To celebrate the success of the book, Julia Quinn and Eloisa James are hosting an intimate tea party in Seattle, Washington next month.

If Julia Quinn and Eloisa James were hosting a tea party anywhere in the Los Angeles (and surrounding) areas, I would so be there.

So if you’re in the Seattle area and are interested in attending this reader event, you can buy tickets for $10 at Bookperk.

Here are the deets to the event:

Date: April 10, 2011

Time: 3 pm to 4 pm

Location: Panama Hotel Tea House, 607 South Main Street, Seattle, Washington 98104

Cost: The $10 ticket includes tea, cake, gratuity and inclusion in a special raffle.

Books: Available for purchase onsite via University Book Store

Tickets Available on Bookperk NOW

Sounds like so much fun! I’ve always wanted to go to a tea party and this sounds like just the thing Gwendolyn, Katherine and Georgie would attend if they were real and alive. =P It sounds like a good time because you’d get some one on one time with two of romance’s popular authors!

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2 responses to “Tea Time with Julia Quinn and Eloisa James!

  1. Lou

    I loved this book. I would love to be there … bummer. Wouldn’t that be fab? I did meet Julia Quinn a few years ago in Denver and she was great. She was at a book signing at Borders and there weren’t many people there – we were early – so we got to chat with her for a while. I am so anxious for her next book … May 31st! Woot!

  2. Rowena

    Wasn’t it adorable LL? I thought it was cute too. Have you been reading all of her latest releases? Thoughts on them?

    I’d love to go to a tea party with Julia Quinn and Eloisa James. Sucks I’m not anywhere near Seattle.

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