Main Character: Toby Vandevelde
Love Interest:
Series: ??
Author: Website|Facebook|Twitter|Goodreads
When Tobias Richard Vandevelde wakes up in a hospital with no memory of the night before, his horrified mother tells him that he was found unconscious. At Featherdale Wildlife Park. In a dingo pen. He assumes that his two best friends are somehow responsible, until the mysterious Reuben turns up, claiming that Toby has a rare and dangerous “condition.” Next thing he knows, Toby finds himself involved with a strange bunch of sickly insomniacs who seem convinced that he needs their help. It’s not until he’s kidnapped and imprisoned that he starts to believe them—and to understand what being a paranormal monster really means.
This story starts off with Toby Vandevelde waking up bare butt naked in the dingo pen. I have no idea what a dingo pen is but wake up in there, he did. At first, his Mom and the doctors thought that he was on drugs but when that came up clean, they thought he had an epileptic episode and when that came up not true, they had no idea what the heck was wrong with him except for what some crazy old priest came around talking about.
The crazy old priest came around telling them that he thinks Toby is a werewolf just like the kid that he brought with him, Reuben.
So the whole book is spent with Toby trying to find out what he is and then accepting what he is. Along with his friends, Amin and Fergus, they try to get to the bottom of things by trying to trap Reuben in a lie and what they find out is a whole lot more than what they bargained for. The book started off pretty interesting but as the book wore on, I became less and less interested in what happened with Toby. Is he a werewolf, isn’t he a werewolf? After a while, it became a bit of a bother to read.
This book is nothing like I thought it would be and while I didn’t exactly hate it, I didn’t love it either. The book was just okay. Getting to know Toby was at times funny but at other times, a trial. I guess other thirteen year old boys would enjoy this one more than I did but aside from a few funny scenes, there just wasn’t much to appeal to me. Would I re-read this book? Definitely not but I’m not sorry that I read it either.

..and that’s your scoop!
Book cover and blurb credit:

Well, from the title this sounded like, I don’t know, a romantic paranormal comedy or something like that, but it doesn’t sound anything like it.
Sorry you didn’t enjoy it more.
That was me, btw. I just forgot I was in another account 😛
I read the first book (The Vampire Support group I think) and enjoyed it but I just couldn’t finish this one. It just didn’t grab me in any way.