Guest Author: Julianne MacLean – Highlanders vs Dukes

Posted February 22, 2011 by Holly in Giveaways, Promotions | 71 Comments

Today historical romance author Julianne MacLean is here to share 10 ways Higlanders and dukes are different. The first book in her new Highlander trilogy, Captured by a Highlander, is set to come out  next week. I love Highlanders, and I can’t wait to read it.


Top Ten Reasons Why Highlanders are Different from Dukes  

Greetings everyone!  Thanks so much for having me as your guest today.  I’m thrilled to be here to celebrate my new Highlander trilogy, which will hit bookstores in just six  days.  

I can’t begin to tell you how much fun it was to write about rugged Highland warriors, after writing about dukes and earls for the past nine books.  Rather than trying to explain, I thought we could have some fun, so I’ve come up with my own Top Ten List to explore the reasons why we love Scottish Highlanders so much. 

#10 – A Highlander carries an axe instead of a walking stick, which can come in handy if you need kindling to build a fire.
#9 – A Highlander won’t complain if you have to sleep in a cave.
#8 – A Highlander doesn’t need to worry about fumbling with trouser fastenings.
#7 – A Highlander DOES need to worry about a cool, stiff breeze.
#6 – Sheep don’t have to fret so much around dukes.
#5 – A Highlander can buy you a drink because he carries a man purse.
#4 – A duke may have royal blood.  A Highlander likes to spill royal blood.
#3 – A duke requires a certain income.  A Highlander can make do with a dirk and a plaid blanket.
#2 – A Highlander is more likely to grunt and groan, which gives him that attractive “savage” air.
#1 – A Highlander has a bigger sword, and size matters.

Hope you enjoyed my Top Ten List, and just for the record, my husband came up with #6.
So tell me which you prefer – a duke or a Highlander.  There are no wrong answers, so let’s have some fun!  

To Marry the DukeAnd I’ll be giving away a signed copy of my first British-set historical romance – TO MARRY THE DUKE to one lucky commenter.  Thanks again for having me!


That list was awesome! My favorites are #’s 1 and 5. Man purse. heh.

Don’t forget to leave a comment telling us whether you prefer dukes or Highlanders for a chance to win To Marry The Duke! Please Note: You must include a valid email address with your comment to be eligible to win. Contest ends Monday, February 28 @ 11:59pm.

Be sure to check out Julianne’s upcoming Highlander trilogy! The first book, Captured by the Highlander, will be available March 1st from St. Martin’s Press.

Captured by the HighlanderClaimed by the Highlander Seduced by the Highlander

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71 responses to “Guest Author: Julianne MacLean – Highlanders vs Dukes

  1. Christiana T.

    Ah Julianne…

    That list made me smile, however, it’s not a man-purse, it’s a sporran dang nabit. Wait a second, why am I defending the scottish highlanders again, oh yeah, because they have it all ~nods nods~ Not only are they capable of taking care of themselves, and the women they claim as their own, but more importantly they don’t need help getting dressed! Besides, They carry claymores, and as you pointed out, size matters.

    Not that there is anything wrong with a duke, or any other blue blood, providing he doesn’t spend all of his time worrying about his wardrobe. ~grin~ ok so they don’t all act like dandy’s but a lot of them did care more about fashion and stuff than I think was neccessary, definately makes a girl wonder who really worried the sheep more… BTW Julianne thank your husband for the sheep comment, I really needed a good laugh.


  2. Hi Julianne. I loved your list.i enjoy reading about both Highlanders and Dukes but definately have to give the edge to the Highlanders. There is just something extra special about a strong and dangerous warrior!

  3. Here are a few pro’s and con’s that I concluded…


    He Wears a kilt, which gives his heroine easy access to the goods/it gives every other girl easy access too.

    He carries a “man-purse”, say it with me, it’s a sporran, which enables him to carry quite a bit on him, including a flask, because let’s face it, he’s not going to be buying you a drink, but sharing a drink/the bigger the sporran does not equate to how well endowed the man is (financially… really what did you think I meant?)

    He carries a Claymore, a Dirk, and wears a Tartan, In other words, he’s proud of his lineage and doesn’t need to be called my lord, and he’s capable of defending what’s his, and what he’s taken to be his, and let’s face it, all that heavy lifting and hard work keeps a body fit/ of course that doesn’t neccessarily mean he has a house, you just might be living in that cave.

    He likes to shed blue-blood, I have to look at this in a different perspective, The Highlanders fought for the same freedoms that today many take for granted, so I guess the real pro here is that He fights for what he believes and the con is, he’s always fighting for what he believes so as a female you have to give him a reason to stay home every now and then.

    Now on to the dukes, hmm where to start..

    He has a title, usually it was handed to him along with that silver spoon he’s hiding/does she love me, or my title?

    He requires a certain income, He has to keep up appearances, wardrobe, gambling, drinking, reckless behaviour, courting that future bride, supporting her shopping habits, a place in london, etc etc etc./he better be good with money, get a job or marry a rich bride, ooh he sounds like a gold-digger to me.

    Mistresses… Although it’s not unheard of in either realm, that a man will have a mistress well, it’s practically expected of the aristocrat/Some wive’s won’t turn a blind eye or feel that they are entitled to take a lover of their own/ which leads to a bigger problem, duels.

    Duels, builds a reputation/you can get killed

    So overall, I definately would lean towards the highlander.

    (had to add more, since I forgot the email address, and log-in.)

  4. Amy Conley

    A Highlander without a doubt. For one thing not only does the dirk come in handy to cut/start a fire, that nice kilt can be used to wrap you up and keep you warm also!

  5. Helen B.

    Scotland for years has had peerage at all levels. So I choose both, a Scots Duke; as size and status does matter. Thank you for all the great hours of reading. I especially like the Scotland settings… The swell of the pipes, the swing of the kilt, the smell of the heather, the beauty of the Highlands. Happy week. Helen

  6. Lovin’ all your comments ladies!!! I’m laughing at some of these 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the man purse tease. I wouldn’t say that to a REAL Highlander though. But that’s the thing about Highlanders, they have a sense of humor too! Less haughty than a duke 🙂

  7. Sometimes you need a duke: sometimes you need a highlander. My lesson for today is if you’re going to be around caves or sheep, go with the highlander! Thanks for a fun column. (Email in profile.)

  8. Going with the Highlander too. In fact I’m reading about one right now. The further away the men are from society the more I seem to like them. They just seem magnificent in all ways!!! Not that I’d turn down a Duke lol.


  9. What a fabulously terrific and funny comparison of a Highlander and a Duke. Love the fact that your husband added the one about the sheep. I always knew that my husband had a twin out there somewhere! Love your books, Julianne, and am so happy for you with all of your success!

  10. I was eating as I read your list and almost choked! I can hardly wait for the books! Oooh la la… Highlanders!
    Thanks for this opportunity to win one of your books!
    Linda T.
    Florida, USA

  11. The Duke sounds more uppity, but a Highlander is rough around the edges, so I want that unfinished man. #1 bigger sword and size matters, # 5 man purse (I’ve seen these with bagpipes and kilts, #7 need to worry about breeze because of the kilts and what they don’t wear, and #8 no fumbling with trouser fastenings (see #5&#7). You know how to contrast and crack me up imagining this hero in the flesh.

  12. I do love dukes, but I’ll choose a Highlander over a duke every time, unless it’s a Highlander duke, that would be perfect, LOL. There’s just something about those rugged, sexy Highlanders that I can’t resist.

    Barbed1951 at

  13. Have to simply want to ‘touch’ all that ‘maleness’ with a Highlander! My top choices would be #1 and #8 – oh yeahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Hahaha…after reading that list…sign me up for a Highlander, please – I’ll give up a duke for a Highlander any day!

    Btw, I was laughing SO hard at the list, I almost choked. Good for you I didn’t…or someone might have gotten stuck with a medical bill! lol 😛 Just kidding.


  15. Well I’m Scottish So I have to go with HIGHLANDER.
    They maybe Big & Brawny
    but they are Gentle Giants.
    Julianne I am really looking forward to this New Series , It;s great that the releases are close. I am very Impatient when It come to a great Read.
    Have a wonderful Day Lassie.

  16. Hi, Julianne,

    Don’t want to be considered as
    greedy, but I’d just as soon have
    both! If one ever got tired the
    other would be available, LOL!
    Must be prepared for all contin-
    gencies, ya know!! #1 is my fave.

    Pat Cochran

  17. Di

    This is really difficult, they both are great, but Highlanders edge out Dukes – I love the accent (think Sean Connery, Craig Ferguson) just love those rrrolling rrr’s!

    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  18. Really hard to pick between a Duke and a Highlander but would have to go with the Highlander. They have the accent and the kilt going for them!!!!

  19. Karen

    OOPS! Forgot the email address.
    And let me add Adrian Paul as a hunky Highlander with a cool accent!

    kacbooks at hotmail dot com

  20. Was feeling a little low after attending my favorite aunts funeral and when I read 7 & 6 I just burst out laughing. She would have laughed also. I love your list. lol

    Love dukes but those hunky Highlanders can’t win over a duke.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  21. Anonymous

    I have to say BOTH for me because each have their good and bad points and attractive qualities.. Also it is just too hard to chose by that alone – who the guy is as in his personality counts too..
    I simply love to read and being disabled with a limited income also limits my ability to acquire good books.. Please enter me to win..

  22. Anonymous

    I have to say BOTH for me because each have their good and bad points and attractive qualities.. Also it is just too hard to chose by that alone – who the guy is as in his personality counts too..
    I simply love to read and being disabled with a limited income also limits my ability to acquire good books.. Please enter me to win..


    I would have to say it depended on my mood. If I was feeling a little rowdy, it would have to be a Highlander. If I was more subdued, I would have to go with the Duke. I am tempted to lift a kilt or two, though. lol Please enter me to win.

  24. I prefer a highlander every time. The accent, the kilt, the kaber tossing and all the other rugged activities. yum. Thanks for the giveaway.
    lisagk at yahoo dot com

  25. Helen B

    Say, I need to go with Kristen.
    Her comment “Any time someone asks me which pub I want to go to in town, I always pick the one where the servers wear kilts!”
    She Has my attention. Ooooouuuu I want to be in her town… LOL

    Definately a Highlander for me!

  26. Whitney

    HIGHLANDER–no need to pad their jackets, stockings etc. No snobbishness, interfering women pushing them around and criticizing their choices. Strong, rugged and determined.
    DUKE–Sense of entitlement, overly tailored wardrobe,
    attitudinal, full of responsibilities and money enough to pay someone else to handle them.
    Hmmm–what a choice!!!


    Of course like them both. I believe Englishmen and “ton” people would be very high maintenance. To your point, a Highlander can get along with a dirk and a plaid. Highlanders win my vote! Love your list! Like that your husband gave you #6 – I was worried about you for a minute…lol.

  28. I would choose a Highlander every time!!! They are just so yummy with their bulging muscles and toe curling brogue 😉 The legs and kilts billowing in the wind are just a bonus…

  29. Hands down it would be a Highlander. I like the outdoors and you can’t get much better than a man in a kilt. My husband looks reat in his. Man purse : ) I love it.

    librarypat AT comcast DOT net

  30. Ren

    I lived in Scotland for 4 years and I really appreciate a hot Highlander. But I have to go with the Duke. Today I’m in the mood for refined over rough around the edges.

  31. gamistress66

    I admit I like both highlanders & dukes — they have their uses. A duke is preferable when in the city for the season and want a charming & elegant partner to waltz & dine with, plus they don’t mind shopping & the theater. But highlanders are good when in the country or roughing it. No need to fear bandits while traveling with a highlander, plus they can catch & fix dinner so no need to worry about going hungry or cold either. 🙂

    I like #8 & 1 on your list 😉

  32. StacieDM

    I would have to go with Highlanders. They are tougher than Dukes and have that awesome accent!

    user1123 AT comcast DOT net

  33. Pam S (pams00)

    Julianne, I loved the list :), liked your hubby’s # 6 too ;).

    Congrats on your new trilogy (and a bit off topic but congrats on your new contemporary as well).

    I seriously am undecided between the Highlander and the Duke. They both have their pluses. I’d be happy with either ;).

    Pam S
    pams00 @

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