What I Read Last Week

Posted January 24, 2011 by Tracy in Reviews | 14 Comments

A fun week this past one was. My sister and brother in law were visiting from Kansas City, MO and we had a party at my house that included birthdays and anniversaries from October to January. It was great seeing them again. I’ve missed them horribly since they moved a few years ago but they love where they are and are happy so that’s all the matters. 🙂

On Saturday I and some of the other So Cal Bloggers – Renee, Wendy, Lori, Rosie – drove to Holly’s new house and did a little book organizing. It was so much fun to talk about all of the books she had while alphabetizing and organizing shelves, etc. She’s got A LOT of books! My books are separated into 2 shelves read and not read – that’s as far as my organization goes. lol Of course she has more book cases than I do. She also has this lovely little reading nook in her sun room that is to die for. A large reading chair with lamp set right in front of her book cases – I think I could live there. 🙂

Reading was good this week. This is what I read:

First up was Falke’s Peak by Madison Layle & Anna Leigh Keaton. This was a paranormal about people who accept demon’s into their bodies so that they can have the powers they bring to them so that they can fight demons. It was an interesting book. You can read my review here. 4 out of 5
Next was Animal Magnetism by Jill Shalvis.  This was a great contemporary read!  The story of a man who has never felt like he belonged anywhere and has no roots comes to visit friends.  They talk him into staying for a month and in that time he starts to fall for Lilah who runs a local kennel/humane society.  I read this one for The Book Binge and will let you know when my review posts. 4.5 out of 5
I couldn’t decide what to read next so I opened my ereader, hit a couple of buttons on my index and chose a book.  Great way to decide, huh? lol  I ended up with If I Had You by Lynn Kurland.  This is book 2 in the De Piaget series and it pretty good – I did have some issues with it though.  The story was about Robin De Piaget who is truly in love with Anne who was fostered at Artane, Robin’s parents home. He is in France when he finds out that Anne’s father is trying to marry her off and heads home to try and stop it.  He won’t admit to anyone, much less himself that he is in love with her and really treats her pretty badly at times before he announces his love.  Once the I Love You’s were spoken it was like he was a different man.  While I didn’t care for Robin all that much I really liked Anne in this book as well as the other characters – mostly Robin’s family.  Of course Kurland’s writing was just as good as always.  3.75 out of 5 
Pirate Lady Holiday by Kate Richards was a cute short I read for The Book Binge.  About a woman who is spending the Christmas holiday babysitting a yacht and the rock star who decides to use it as a hotel.  The couple are really finding a bond but Jack didn’t give Clara his real identity and she’s determined to not date rockers.  I’ll let you know when my review posts on TBB. 3 out of 5
On my way to Holly’s house (since it’s a 2.5 hour drive) I listened to the audio book Temptation by Jude Devereaux.  I wasn’t sure if I would like the story but I did for the most part.  I didn’t like the heroine at first but she was starting to grow on me toward the end of the book.  Then I hated the end.  She ended up turning into someone I really didn’t care for.  The narrator of the audio book – not bad but voiced all of the Scottish accents (and there were many characters with Scottish accents as it was partially set in Scotland).  This wasn’t so bad either as she did the accents well but she kept pronouncing Edinburgh in an Americanized version (with a hard g at the end) instead of the Scottish pronunciation (more like Edinbura) and every time she did it I yelled at my radio! lol  Needless to say it was a most entertaining drive. 🙂 3 out of 5
Last on the list was Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison.  Holly received this book for review and couldn’t stop talking about it.  I managed to drive away with it (yes, she was aware I stole it!) and read it yesterday.  It’s a really great shifter novel with a wonderful yet incredibly down to earth romance in it.  The story is about Pia who is half human, half wyr only she can’t shift.  She gets blackmailed into stealing something from the hoard of a Wyr-Dragon and is then on the run for her life.  But when he finds her he finds he wants to keep her rather than kill her.  Just a great book! Unfortunately for you all it doesn’t release until May but you’ll definitely want to read it when it comes out. 4.5 out of 5
Happy Reading!

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14 responses to “What I Read Last Week

  1. SVZ – Sorry about the ear worm! lol
    The wyr's are very cool. And there are many different kind – dragon's gryphon's, thunderbird's – a whole multitude!

    Kati – I hadn't seen the buzz so knew nothing about it until Holly started talking about it. Good stuff.

  2. Glad you had a lovely family catch-up!

    Oh, Dragon Bound does sound interesting!

    @Kati – did you know there was a giveaway of Dragon Bound on GoodReads?

  3. Orannia – Yes we did. Family and laughter is always great. 🙂
    Oh yes, I saw that today. Contest through the 31st. 15 copies they're giving away!

  4. Chris – Actually I started reading The Brush of Wings anthology but only completed 3 stories. I was planning on finishing it yesterday but since I had to read Holly's book ASAP the other got put aside. I'll definitely finish it this week though. 🙂 I do need to go on an m/m binge. lol

  5. Another great week 🙂 Looking forward to your review for the Jill Shalvis. Also, Dragon Bound is a book that's on my radar thanks to you and Holly! 🙂

  6. Janna – It's a good one, at least I thought so. 🙂

    EH – That was my first read by Keaton – I liked it!

    Nath – Dragon Bound was really good. Fun, sexy – hit all the right spots with me. 🙂

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