Monthly Reads: November

Posted December 6, 2010 by Holly in Features | 26 Comments

Holly: I know I keep saying it, but I can’t believe how fast time has flown by. 2010 is almost over. Crazy.

My reading was really sporadic in November. Thanks to a cruise, Thanksgiving and an unexpected move, I didn’t have a lot of time to dedicate to reading. I mostly re-read, just because (a recurring theme for me lately).

1. Archangel’s Consort by Nalini Singh 4.5/5
2. Call Me Irresistible by Susan Elizabth Phillips 4/5
3. Moon Burning by Lucy Monroe 3.75/5
4. A Lot Like Love by Julie James 4.25/5
5. Nothing but Trouble by Rachel Gibson 4/5
6. Heartbreaker by Linda Howard (re-read) 4/5
7. White Lies by Linda Howard 4/5
8. Second Chances by Lauren Dane 3.5/5
9. Archangel’s Kiss by Nalini Singh (re-read) 4.25/5
10. The Lion’s Lady by Julie Garwood (re-read) 5/5
11. Angels’ Blood by Nalini Singh (re-read) 4.75/5
12. Just the Sexist Man Alive by Julie James (re-read) 4.5/5
13. Strangers in the Night by Linda Howard (re-read) 4.25/5

A total of 13. Not too shabby. My favorite read of the month was probably Archangel’s Consort. I love the direction Singh is taking the series. My least favorite read was Moon Burning. I enjoyed it, but not as much as I’ve come to expect from Monroe with this series. It wasn’t a bad read, it just wasn’t an excellent one.

Casee: November wasn’t a particularly great month for me, reading or otherwise. The best books I read were Seducing the Storm by Sydney Croft and Archangel’s Consort by Nalini Singh. Eleven total. Pretty sad.

1. Last to Die by Kate Brady (3.75/5)
2. A Duke’s Temptation by Jillian Hunter (4/5)
3. Archangel’s Consort by Nalini Singh (4.5/5)
4. Last Gasp by Carla Cassidy (3.75/5)
5. Taken by Midnight by Lara Adrian (4.25/5)
6. Seduced by the Storm by Sydney Croft (4.5/5)
7. Taming the Fire by Sydney Croft (4.25/5)
8. Tempting the Fire by Sydney Croft (4/5)
9. Beg Me by Shiloh Walker (3.75/5)
10. Fantasy in Death by J.D. Robb (3.75/5)
11. Dawnkeepers by Jessica Andersen (3.75/5)

Rowena: November was a good reading month for me. I didn’t read as much as I hoped but then again, I never do and with the Thanksgiving holiday and the preparation for our trip to Colorado for Christmas, I read as much as I could.

Here’s my list of books I read in November:

1. Passions of a Wicked Earl by Lorraine Heath. (5 out of 5)
2. Aces Up by Lauren Barnholdt. (4 out of 5)
3. The Oracle Rebounds by Allison van Diepen. (4 out of 5)
4. Stay by Deb Caletti. (4.5 out of 5)
5. My Soul to Steal by Rachel Vincent. (3 out of 5)
6. Tangled Up in You by Rachel Gibson. (4.5 out of 5)
7. Not Another Bad Date by Rachel Gibson. (4.5 out of 5)
9. Pleasures of a Notorious Gentleman by Lorraine Heath. (4.75 out of 5)
10. Call Me Irresistible by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. (4 out of 5)
11. A Lot Like Love by Julie James. (4.5 out of 5)

I think it’s no secret that my favorite book of the month was Passions of a Wicked Earl by Lorraine Heath though special shout outs to both Julie James and SEP for writing fantastic books as well but this month I’ll be giving away the Heath book so good luck!

We’re giving away:

The Lion’s Lady by Julie Garwood (an oldie, but one everyone should read)
Seduced by the Storm by Sydney Croft
Passions of a Wicked Earl by Lorraine Heath

If you want to be entered to win, leave a comment on this post telling us what your favorite – and least favorite – reads of the month were. Also, be sure to tell us what book you’re interested in reading. You can put your name in for more than one book, but you’ll only be allowed to win one, so choose wisely.

So…what was your favorite read of the month? And your least favorite?

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26 responses to “Monthly Reads: November

  1. My favorite reads for November were Mischief of the Mistletoe by Lauren Willig and Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas. My least favorite was Scoundrel’s Honor by Rosemary Rogers.

    Please enter my name for Passions of a Wicked Earl by Lorraine Heath. Thank you!

  2. Luci

    Very slow readin gmonth for me. Read some good historical eomances but my favourite read was Maya Banks’ The Darkest Hour. looking very forward to No Place to Run. Least favourite Shadows at Midnight by Elizabeth Jennings – i was really disappointed by this book as i had been really looking forward to it.

    Would love to win Lion’s Lady by Julie Garwood.

  3. My favourite read of the month was the darkest hour by Maya Banks i love all of her books! My least favourite was Alphabet Weekends by Elizabeth Noble.
    Please enter me for Passions of a wicked Earl by Lorraine Heath

  4. My favorite read was Deadly Intent by Kylie Brant. It was a great story and I was guessing to the end. I would like to be entered to win Passions of a Wicked Earl.

  5. Ina

    my favorite book in November was Grave Witch by Kalayna Price – I loved the world she created and Death is sooo hot *sigh* can’t wait for book #2…
    I would love to read Seduced by the Storm by Sydney Croft 🙂
    greetings, Ina

  6. Favourite for November was The Notorious Rake by Mary Balogh – I had a total glom on the OOP Balogh Signet Regencies (which is continuing actually!).

    Least favourite was Inside Out by Lauren Dane – it was okay but not (for me) as good as the first two in the series. I wanted to love it but sadly… YMMV.

    I’d love to try Seduced by the Storm by Sydney Croft.

  7. One of the books I read in November was Memory Zero Keri Arthur and Covert Christmas by Marilyn Pappano, Linda Conrad and Loreth Anne White were really great reads. I read 12 books this month and loved them all.

    I’d love to read Seduced by the Storm.

  8. I read 25 books in November and fortunately for me – no really bad books this month. My favorite though was The Accidental Bride by Annie Gracie – loved this one!

    My least favorite was Kerrelyn Sparks’ Eat Prey Love.

    I’d love a chance to read Croft’s Seduced by the Storm!

  9. JackieW

    MY favorite book read this month was The Overlook by Michael Connolley and Susan Isaacs” Long Time No See. MY least favorite was Nicki Greenwood’s book Earth.

  10. Well this whole month, I’ve been reading Lorelei James’ Rough Rider series and I love them! I read them straight through but have not yet read COWGIRL DON’T CRY, only b/c I knew Lorelie James next book won’t be out until March 2011. I really don’t have a least favorite book since I like all of James’ Rough Rider books 🙂

    I would love to win Seduced by the Storm by Sydney Croft! Thanks for the contest and good luck to everyone on the contest!

  11. Raonaid Luckwell

    November and December have been really slow reading months for me. With the holidays I really don’t have the time. But the best would have to be Warrior Ascended by Addison Fox. Makes me wonder why the heck I waited so long to read it!

  12. Jane

    My favorite read was Susan Andersen’s “Burning Up.” Amy Fetzer’s “Damage Control” was an okay read. Please enter me for “Seduced by the Storm” by Sydney Croft.

  13. Never read a Garwood so the choice is easy
    The Lion’s Lady by Julie Garwood

    Worst book had to be The Marshking’s daughter by Elizabeth Chadwich. Did not get far into that one

    Best, The Forever Queen by Helen Hollick

  14. gamistress66

    Can’t say I had any disappointing reads this month (none come to mind anyway). Favorite read, I’d say it’s close between Hannah Howell’s “Compromised Hearts” (a rerelease & 1st western I’ve read in a good while), Laurens “The Reckless Bride” but “How I Met My Countess” by Elizabeth Boyle takes the edge. I had really enjoyed “Mad About the Duke” so picked this one (it’s predessor) up and was not disappointed.

    Love Garwood’s “The Lion’s Lady” which a keeper for me. 😀 I’ve enjoyed it several times over. Therefore my selection would be “Passions of a Wicked Earl” since I haven’t had a chance to read it yet.

  15. Lizzie R

    Luckily I just had good reads this month. My favourite was Patricia Gaffney’s To Have and to Hold and then I reread most of the IAD before I attack Demon from the Dark.
    After all this paranormal I’m getting quite keen on historical and would enjoy reading Passions of a Wicked Earl.

  16. Christy

    My favorite this month was Sarah MacLeans’ Ten Ways to be Adored…I love her writing and can’t wait for the 3rd in the series. My least favorite was Crush on You from the Kisses Trilogy, I liked it, but not enough to want to read the next one. 🙁
    I’m really picky about the historical novels I read so I was excited to read the review on Passions of a Wicked Earl and would love to read it. I’m hoping it’s a great as the Sarah MacLean series.

  17. Of the 14 books I read in November, my favorite was Madeline Hunter’s Sinful in Satin and my least favorite was Iris Johansen’s Chasing the Night. If I win, I’d like the Garwood book. Thanks. (Email in profile.)

  18. My favorite was Sarah Mayberry’s, The Best Laid Plans. A keeper for me.

    I rarely have least favorites because I DNF them if it doesn’t appeal to me.

    I’d liek Lorraine Heath’s, Passions of a Wicked Earl if chosen. Thanks!

  19. With c-section and a new born baby, my November almost nothing to read. the only book that i read (and still till now) is Dark Oracle 🙂

  20. My favorite book of the month was Grave Witch by Kalayna Price – a really interesting UF. I also glommed on to Meg Benjamin’s Konigsburg, TX romances and really enjoyed them. Least favorite was a Mills&Boon story called Emergency: Wife Lost and Found that I picked up when they were giving away a bunch of free books. I’m just grateful that I didn’t spend any money on it.

    I would love to win Passions of a Wicked Early although I wouldn’t mind winning Seduced by the Storm either.

  21. Jordan

    My favorite this month was Anne Calhoun’s Liberating Lacey; the characters were mature and likable as their feelings for each other kept growing despite telling themselves they knew better. My least favorite was Lauren Dane’s Inside Out. I kept getting bored and putting it aside, and I still haven’t finished it.

    I would love to read Seduced by the Storm by Sydney Croft; it sounds really great.

    jbrink83 at hotmail dot com

  22. My favorite book this month was Sarah MacLean’s Ten Ways. I was so afraid that it wouldn’t be as good as Nine Rules, but I shouldn’t have worried. It was fabulous!
    I don’t really have a least favorite book this month, I quite like them all.
    If I were to win, I’d love The Lion’s Lady by Julie Garwood, please.

  23. My favorite read of the month was The Ghost Hunter by Lori Brighton, it was also my first e-read. Though I missed holding the book in my hands, I loved the story. My least favorite read of the month was Hellbent and Heartfirst by Kassandra Sims. I liked the chemistry between the hero and the heroine, but the story had so many plots that could of been so good, but they kept falling flat. So much leading up to and then nothing. There were also many things going on in the book and also the ending that left me with a big pulsing question mark hanging over my head. It was my WTH moment.
    I would love to read Seduced by the Storm

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