Guest Review: Nebulous by Shiloh Walker

Posted October 21, 2010 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Reviews | 2 Comments

Tracy’s review of Nebulous by Shiloh Walker

Seven hundred years have passed since Azar’s birth. A demon-born incubus, his survival depends on women. Although he doesn’t remember all of his mortal life, he does remember his lost love…Caoilinn.

But he begins to dream of another woman. And demons do not dream. She rekindles the embers of his lost humanity and makes him yearn for things he cannot have.

Kerrigan dreams of Azar as well, and one night, while he watches her, she whispers his name. A name she can’t possibly know.

A name that will summon a demon…

Azar is an incubus. He hasn’t always been an incubus though. Many years ago he was a human man with powers that helped him hunt demons. Despite his incubusness or incubusity he doesn’t want to “feed” aka sleep with women because he’s completely focused on one woman. A school teacher. He watches her constantly but stops himself from touching her because if he does touch her and sleep with her she will want more and more and eventually fade away and become a shade.

The woman that Azar is watching, Kerrigan, thinks she’s going crazy. She keeps dreaming of this man. She’s dreamt of him since she was in high school and those dreams have had quite the effect on her life. After an incredibly vivid dream she heads to Ireland because she feel she’s being called there by this man.

The man is Finn…the human man that Azar used to be. Kerrigan has been reincarnated from Finn’s dead wife, Caoilinn. The couple lived 700 years before and were torn apart by an incubus demon just like Azar. While Kerrigan tries to discover if she’s nuts or not because of the voices speaking in her head, Azar gets a gentle push back to being human from his demon friend. But where does he end up and is it with Caoilinn or Kerrigan. What will the final outcome be?

This was an very different fantasy read. An incubus that doesn’t want to sleep with women was the first odd thing. That’s just not something you see every day. But his attachment to Kerrigan was very sweet and it was nice to see a demon looking out for someone besides himself.

The crux of the story comes down to one question: does love conquer all? In this book it did but I have to admit to being a little disappointed in the outcome. Don’t get me wrong. The love was beautiful and intense and I loved seeing a man love his woman as Finn did. But one of the women in the story was left hanging and just about killed me to not know what the outcome of her life was. I know that sounds odd but I can’t give anything away or it will ruin the story for you!

Suffice it to say that it was a wonderful love story with Ms. Walker’s normal does of incredibly steamy sex that contained a nice mix of the fantasy and historical genres.

Rating: 4 out of 5

You can read more from Tracy at Tracy’s Place

This book is available from Ellora’s Cave. You can buy it here in e-format.

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