Back-To-School Giveaway: Day 2 – Three for Free

Posted September 2, 2010 by Holly in Giveaways | 28 Comments

Welcome to Day 2 of our Back-To-School Giveaway. We’re giving away a prize every day this month. Today we have an assortment of books for you:

Can't Stand The Heat (A Recipe for Love)Destiny's Star (Epic of Palins)A Kiss at Midnight

Can’t Stand the Heat by Louisa Edwards
Destiny’s Star by Elizabeth Vaughan
A Kiss at Midnight by Eloisa James

In honor of Can’t Stand the Heat being a foodie book, tell us your favorite lunch room story (either from your school days or from work) to enter to win.

This is a 1 day contest that runs until 11:59 p.m. tonight. Winners will be announced Sunday.

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28 responses to “Back-To-School Giveaway: Day 2 – Three for Free

  1. First of all, thank you for another great contest!

    My lunch room story is a rather disgusting one, so be prepared. ;-)While I was a first grader there was chicken thigh for lunch one day. But it was not well done and there was still a bit blood near the bone.*icky, I tell you* Since that day I can’t eat chicken thigh. (even though I developed a fondness for medium steak, weird I know) I hope the other ladies have better and more fun stories to share!

  2. Lunch story….I have one but it was not in school or at work. And perhaps it is a bit icky.

    I was 5 and was in the hospital cuz of an eye surgery. After the narcotics where gone they said I’m allowed to eat real food again and I was so excited and felt like I was nearly starved. So they bring to the “dining room” and give me carrot soup. I told them that I can’t eat that cuz it will make me sick. They tell to be not so picky and just eat it. So I ate like 3 spoons and started to feel sick. I made it three steps from the table before the soup was out again. For the rest of stay I was allowed to choose whatever I wanted to eat. So all in all it was worth that first meal cuz the rest of stay I only got yummy kids food. =)

  3. For my son’s 1st birthday we got this enormous cake in the shape of a bumblebee (because we call him B). There was a lot left over and I sent a big chunk to work with Mr. Kaetrin to share with colleagues. One of the managers went on a fridge clearing rampage before morning tea and threw everything out – including the cake. 🙁 (I gotta tell you it was excellent cake so Mr. K was pretty sad about it!)

  4. I really don’t have a story except for the time in elementary school, we had lasagne, yum yum. But then one of my friends complained that she felt sick and puked all over the table. Let’s just say there was some screaming and kids saying they would never eat lasagne again

  5. Ohhh I have many lunch room stories! When I was in Junior High it was my favorite time of the day because I would finally be with all my friends and we laughed a lot. One day one of my friends told us a joke and I laughed so much WHILE eating spaghetti that it went out right back through my nose. LOL It was both humiliating (and painful) and very funny. It took me 10 minutes to get it all out of my nose. O_o I know…disgusting. lol

    Great contest once again =)


  6. COOL : )

    All through grade school, our lunch room meals ran from “UFO”, unidentified food object, to kinda good. We made up food names like “mean green”, “ewww blue”, “dead red”, and (my favorite) “blecchh black”. Some kids will eat anything, including one kid whose last name was “Black”. After watching him consume all manner of gross grub that most of wouldn’t touch, we nicknamed him “Billy Blecchh” : )

    US Resident, GFC Follower, Subscriber

    gcwhiskas at aol dot com

  7. Probably the most embarassing was in college – a class I had the bottom completely fell off and I had red fruit punch all over a yellow sweatshirt.
    msboatgal at

  8. One lunch that stands out in my memory is in elementary school. I can’t remember my teacher’s name, but I was in the fifth or sixth grade. I had started carrying around my book bag with me every where and it was filled with books. I was reading Love Stone by Deanna James during my lunchtime as opposed to eating. My teacher stopped by the table asked me what I was doing, took a look at my book, and said something along the lines of,” I remember reading these kind of books at lunch time.” She let me read, since it was better than me reading during class! I’m not sure if I even ate my lunch that day or not!

  9. Ooh, great giveaway today! Thanks!

    My most remembered lunch room story is from grade school. One day one of the boys in my class decided to throw a spaghetti noodle up in the air to see if it would stick to the ceiling — it did! The lunch ladies didn’t see him do it, so the noodle stayed there for weeks!

  10. The one I remember most is from jr high when a football player would try to take everyone’s lunch every day. My friend rubbed her potato tots on the floor and gave them to him and we got such a kick out of watching him eat them. I know it was horrible but he was such a bully.

  11. goddessani

    The school lunch I remember best is when I lived in Britain. I can’t tell you what I was eating or anything else except that the Head Mistress came into the room and it was obvious she was upset. She said, For all of you Americans, I regret to inform you that President Kennedy has been killed. She turned and walked out of the room.

    Due to the time difference, she must have known earlier but that is when she told us.

    It wasn’t until later that her words sank in. It was just so shocking to see her grieving. It was the first time I ever thought of her as a real person. And that, more than anything, is why I remember it.

    goddessani at gmail dot com

  12. During my many years of teaching elementary school, there were several times when we had an unplanned fire drill during lunch. Young children tend to freak out at the unexpected sense of emergency, so it is a little hard to round them up, especially if we teachers were in the teacher eating area or restroom at the time. Then when everyone returns after the drill, the kids can’t remember exactly where they were sitting and which lunchtray is theirs. The lunch schedule is totally out of whack, too. Such fun! :-0

  13. When I was in middle school, one of my friends had a student job in the cafeteria. One day a co-worker was absent, and she asked me to join her. I thought it was so cool, being on “the other side” of the lunch line. I still remember what I did–gave out apples at the end of the line. Thanks for another great contest.

  14. Anonymous

    I remember when I was 9, a boy I had a crush on mixed together everything on his tray, added the milk, and then ate some! And I still liked him, which tells you something about me. — willaful

  15. Chelsea B.

    One day I went to school with a luch no one had every tried before, and then after they did that’s what everyone brought for like a week! LOL!

  16. For my lunch room story I was a bystander watching the craziness occur. It was in middle school and people were of course separated into their small cliques and an argument between two of them (not sure which) ensued, leading to a massive food fight. It was mainly food flying through the sky and targeting everyone in between. It was definitely a lunch to remember.

  17. In high school, I didn’t have a lunch period so I’d eat my lunch in class (some teachers would let the kids do this). My lunch included a can of soda which one day decided to detonate and the poor boy sitting the next desk over had all his papers covered in grape soda. Boy, did he swear! Good thing he was a friend of mine and forgave me, eventually.

  18. I went to a very small school growing up and one day it was one the students birthdays don’t remember which one. One of the room mothers decided to bake cupcakes to go with the lunches that were being served. She thought was cute to bake a quarter into one of the cupcakes for a “lucky” quarter I guess. Anyway I remember the surprise on the kids face when he bit into the quarter. Glad he did not choke or break a tooth. Stupid and gross idea when I think about it now. It was funny when I was a kid though.

  19. Natasha

    I can’t think of one specific story that stands out in my head. I honestly can’t remember any of my high school lunches. My work lunches on the other hand are a lot more entertaining. I think most of us wait for 12 to get to the lunch room.

    Our lunch room conversations range from eating yogurt with chopsticks (saw a colleague do it), men having babies (that was the weirdest tangent we ever went on), UFOs to end of the world scenarios (will it be 2012?).

    Our lunch group is very diverse. We have 2 Indians, 1 Philippine, 2 Chinese, 1 Vietnamese and 2 people from Turkey. So we have lots of discussions about the cultures in the various countries, common superstitions/beliefs, etc.

  20. This is a story about when my kids were in school.
    My kids went to a small country school.
    someone was stealing the goodies out of children’s lunchboxes. I baked cupcakes and frosted them with melted ex-lax and warned my kids. Didn’t take long to figure out who was stealing the goodies.

  21. When we went to college orientation for my son in June the food was very good but he was upset to find last week that it was all for show and the real food is not so good.

  22. Favorite lunchroom story. Most memorable would be when (at work) we had a contest to create a section that was dedicated to one of the teams in the Big 10 (college football). All teams were open, except for the home team, Wisconsin Badgers. My group had Northwestern, so we brought in a real tailgate from a truck and set it on a couple of sawhorses. Then we had a radio playing Northwestern’s song, and we made cat litter cake, and little smokeys and chips and dip. Like it was a real tail-gate party! We had such a blast doing it.

    One of my favorites though was when I went down to lunch, and was bored, so I grabbed a book from the book-exchange-shelf. It was Lynn Kurland’s Dreams of Stardust and I loved it. She’s still one of my favorite authors.

  23. vidhya

    This happened in my college. My friend and I are vegetarians. And in my college canteen, there were two gravys kept – one for vegetarians and the other for non-vegs containing chicken. My friend by mistake took the chicken gravy instead of the veggie one and ate it. She got sick the next second. From then on we are both extra-cautious when coming to food (:

  24. M.

    the year before I graduated high school, a guy in the graduating class took initiative to go around a collect a dollar from everyone who wanted to contribute toward buying a group gift for the ladies who ran the cafeteria. They were so touched we’d thought of them and bought them something they all cried and gave sentimental little speeches. I was mondo ashamed I hadn’t given a thought to any of them before when it took so little to make them so happy, and we did it all over again the following year. I hope they’ve kept up the tradition in that high school.

  25. Oh dear, the only one I can remember is from first grade. I didn’t like lunch meat, so my mom used to send me to school with just plain butter on bread. One day, I ate it just like every day before that, but for some reason, I suddenly decided I didn’t like it, and up it came. I still remember how disgusting that was.

  26. gamistress66

    Thanks for another great giveaway 🙂

    Lunch room story – elementary school (1st-8th grades)

    Eighth grade went down to lunch first, very organized – boys first, then girls for one homeroom followed by the same for the 2nd homeroom. We’d sit in the same order at the tables that lined the length of the room near the windows (so boys would be at the top and ward the end of the table w/ girls in the middle). When the lower grades came down for lunch they’d stand the length of the cafeteria from the entry to food with the line forming between the long tables thus blocking the lunch monitor’s view of the end table holding the older students. Very soon after the line was formed, a piece of food would go from one end to the other of the tables and all the girls in the middle would suddenly scoot their chairs back. A short food fight would then commence btwn the boys till either a teacher noticed or the line shortened enough that the view wasn’t fully blocked anymore. Then the girls would all scoot back in and finish eating & talking till we were allowed to leave.

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